new grower some tips please


how long does it take to a plant to fully go when should you start the flowerin what kindda bulbs ahould you use during veg and what kinda bulb for flower when can i add sum chems

i started growing 3 weeks ago my plant is about a foot tall dosnt stand by its self i started the plant out of a pc steath grow box i made. the light was on 24/7 then wen it got about 6 inches i took it out of the box its under 18/6 now but im still using a regular spiral house bulb am i doing this right??im hopin i can make it to the store tomarrow so some tips what i need bulbs and nutriants im on a low low budget so keep it cheap



Well-Known Member
wow ...umm it probly would of been better to read then grow not plant a seed then start reading 14days later.

First of your plant has stretched to reach for the light , which means your lights to far away "thats why it wont stand". your going to need 6500k fluorescent lights"cool daylight", and your probly going to need at least 100watts in about 2 weeks just to get decent growth. then when u hit flower your going to need 2700k flouros


Well-Known Member
bro the best advice any one can give you is to read as much as you can and do research
start on these forums and look at everything grow journals and the other sub forums and get some good grow books to read

The reason it wont stand up on its own is the lighting there is not enough of it and perhaps the wrong kind

And for the budget part of it there is tons of people on here with low cost grows with Floro's so look around

And also have patients it will take awhile to get what you want out of growing so hang in there and enjoy it

Good Luck:leaf:


Well-Known Member
lowes has 100w daylight bulb from bright effects there 6500k in a blue and white box.get the 4 pack i think they cost about $8 for the 4, you can get a plastic spliter for about $2 it will let you put 2 of these bulbs into 1 lamp socket. i would get 2 splitters and put all 4 bulbs about 2 inches from the plant. let your fan blow on the plant that will help get it stronger.nutes are going to cost $$ unless you get miracle grow or schultz but look at what they have at lowes, what ever you get start at about 1/4 of what the label says.


what soil are you growing in? I use reg mg all perpose feed in veg bro..And has for your lights they will need some help with 2 more maybe 4 more dep on the wats.I dont think putting a fan on that plant is the right thing maybe on a wall and have the soft air hit it would work first week or so to get it strong.And let the lights on 18/6 ..24/7 your roots wont keep up with the plant size.. just my 2 cents:)


Well-Known Member
Two bulbs closer like that is better, for sure. You'll notice a big difference in that plant in the next 5-7 days.