Has anyone grown autos in ffof or coco loco? If so, any tips or recommendations? Or other suggestions
No autos BUT -and I’ll probably get a little heat for this but whatever :bigjoint: I’m currently running FFOF mixed with Mother Earth Coco Peat which is mostly coco. It fed the plants fine for 6 weeks (with transplanting along the way) but now I’m having to feed them. Probably NOT the way to go as a first timer.

If I were you, I’d run photos for the feel of the plant. I’ve got nothing against autos but I like my photos, I think you have more control.
I’d plant that photo in a solo cup in seedling starter mix so you don’t overwater.
Once you see roots coming out the bottom, transplant into a 3 or 5gal of FFOF and perlite. A good amount of perlite. Water with normal water, topdress before flipping to flower.
Done and done.
You can read my pinned link, that’s basically what I did for my first grow.

From there you can tweak it. Just know- soil and coco are very different. Coco is basically drain to waste hydroponics.. it can be a little complex.
Soil is more forgiving and much better for learning :)
No autos BUT -and I’ll probably get a little heat for this but whatever :bigjoint: I’m currently running FFOF mixed with Mother Earth Coco Peat which is mostly coco. It fed the plants fine for 6 weeks (with transplanting along the way) but now I’m having to feed them. Probably NOT the way to go as a first timer.

If I were you, I’d run photos for the feel of the plant. I’ve got nothing against autos but I like my photos, I think you have more control.
I’d plant that photo in a solo cup in seedling starter mix so you don’t overwater.
Once you see roots coming out the bottom, transplant into a 3 or 5gal of FFOF and perlite. A good amount of perlite. Water with normal water, topdress before flipping to flower.
Done and done.
You can read my pinned link, that’s basically what I did for my first grow.

From there you can tweak it. Just know- soil and coco are very different. Coco is basically drain to waste hydroponics.. it can be a little complex.
Soil is more forgiving and much better for learning :)
If i followed your suggested method, what could i expect to yield from 4 photos in 3 gal fabric pots in a 3x3

And, I thought the coco loco I bought was treated more like soil because of all the amendments in it?

Thanks for the reply too. Very informative, & thats what im after.
If i followed your suggested method, what could i expect to yield from 4 photos in 3 gal fabric pots in a 3x3

And, I thought the coco loco I bought was treated more like soil because of all the amendments in it?

Thanks for the reply too. Very informative, & thats what im after.
I yielded about 3 oz in my 2x2x4 box.. you could maybe pull close to 10 if you do really well and fill the canopy! That’s all down to environmental stuff and the strain.. so many factors go into yield.

the Cocoloco- that’s what I thought about theMother Earth I’m using now. It has plenty of amendments, so I thought it would lighten the FFOF a little bit.. it did I guess, I just wasn’t prepared. It ran out quick, now I’m bottle feeding. Got it all under control and I’m hoping for about 3/4lb from my 4x4. Maybe more!

Anyway, the cocoloco would probably be great for starting your seedlings. If you don’t wanna go buy seedling starter mix (cheap but ANOTHER thing to buy) you could just use the cocoloco. I think that’s what those “amendments” are for, there many be a bunch of different things in it, just not in high amounts like soil.
FFOF is too hot for seedlings. It even burned my clones a bit. If you plant directly into the ffof to start I’d at a LOT of perlite to the mix.

anything to help! Much love and happy growing. Feel free to send me pms as well
Has anyone grown autos in ffof or coco loco? If so, any tips or recommendations? Or other suggestions
I have grown photos in coco loco. I’m about to do 2 autos and a photo in FFOF tho. In FFHF as we speak. Seedlings in party cups.
The autos are going into 2-3 gal pots and the photo is going in a 7gal. Coco loco has coco fibers In it but treat it as soil.
If i followed your suggested method, what could i expect to yield from 4 photos in 3 gal fabric pots in a 3x3

And, I thought the coco loco I bought was treated more like soil because of all the amendments in it?

Thanks for the reply too. Very informative, & thats what im after.
I got 3.5 oz off 1 plant in a 2x4. I'd say with the right genetics and conditions including lighting.. you can clear a pound easy in a 3x3. That's 4 plants in 3gal pots.
as its your first grow, id say yes plant directly into your larger pots. keep it simple but do be carefull with watering
Do not listen to this guy. Listen to Driver733. If you don't have good advice to offer humble yourself and enjoy a tall glass of silence.
Starting seedlings in a large container will inhibit rapid root development and dramatically slow growth. I start clones and seedlings in 16-32oz styrofoam cups. I prefer the 32 oz. If you started a seedling in a 5 gallon bucket how long do you think that seedling is going to sit in sopping wet soil before it can drink down all that water with no roots having been developed yet? If you want to slow your plant's metabolism and rate of growth by all means toss a seedling in a 5 gallon bucket. Hell, why not a 20 gallon tote? Or you can understand how plants grow and just do it the right way. Different strokes for different folks. Good luck!

Enjoy a little eye candy from my last flower cycle :)
Why do people make such a big deal out of transplanting a plant? This is not rocket science. You fill a pot with dirt, take the plant out of the old pot, put it in the new pot, water to saturate, drain, back in the tent. What is the big deal?
Because people are stupid and willfully ignorant. I hope you weren't looking for a complex answer :)
Because people are stupid and willfully ignorant. I hope you weren't looking for a complex answer :)
Nice eye candy. It's the old 'lead a horse to water, but can't make'm drink' thing.

Here is the same plant from the plastic pot, after transplanting + LST, in 3 gallon fabric, 41 days from the last photo:
20201005_094434.jpg 20201005_094955.jpg
Oh well, moving right along. Cheers!
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Went to my local garden center today. They carry FFOF, Coco Loco, Happy Frog, & Strawberry Fields. I bought a bag of the Coco Loco & a bag of FFOF, not sure which one I should go with. Was gonna plant my autos in there final containers with one of the soils. Also picked up the Fox Farms liquid trio nutrients.
sounds like a winner happy frog for the win maybe some bat guano and bonemeal mixed in there and a handful of perlite then just let them grow
If i followed your suggested method, what could i expect to yield from 4 photos in 3 gal fabric pots in a 3x3

And, I thought the coco loco I bought was treated more like soil because of all the amendments in it?

Thanks for the reply too. Very informative, & thats what im after.
if you Lst them and put a net over them i would say 4 zips per plant so a pound is very possible what kind of light?
Nice eye candy. It's the old 'lead a horse to water, but can't make'm drink' thing.

Here is the same plant from the plastic pot, after transplanting + LST, in 3 gallon fabric, 41 days from the last photo:
View attachment 4710682 View attachment 4710685
Oh well, moving right along. Cheers!
Beautiful bushy ladies you've got going there. They look fantastic! Me thinks you have a nice harvest ahead of you :)
Why do people make such a big deal out of transplanting a plant? This is not rocket science. You fill a pot with dirt, take the plant out of the old pot, put it in the new pot, water to saturate, drain, back in the tent. What is the big deal?
Ya know, I thought this. But then I had a buddy try and transplant and he ripped half of his roots cus they were stuck to the pot... so it doesnt always go as planned and can be a hassle if you're inexperienced with growing.