New grower... Over trimming???


I've been wondering if 'over' trimming during the veg stage is bad? I know not to do it during flower...but how does it effect the plant in veg?

The reason I've been doing it is to redirect the plants energy from leaves that don't get light anyways to the top part of the plant. Essentially I want to focus on 8-12 top colas per plant.

Mind you, this is my first grow and my oldest plants (pictured below) are only two months from germ.



Am I over doing it and stunting the plants growth with all the topping and training at this young of an age?


Well-Known Member
If you were over trimming then some of those
lower branches would be gone so by the looks
of it your good!
Stunted growth for just a bit then then it
will bounce back into full gear being
the plant is early in veg.


Well-Known Member
Looks good dude reminds me of a bonsai tree idk if its so bad u could shock it to not grow as fast i trip mine and im in veg also and shes growin so id say do what u think is right if it dont work learn from it i personally have a grow journal and write down everything i do so i kno how my girl will react the first grow is always trial and error just cut a clone at the end and start again :) happy growing buddy and welcome to the best dam grow site in the world


Looks good dude reminds me of a bonsai tree idk if its so bad u could shock it to not grow as fast i trip mine and im in veg also and shes growin so id say do what u think is right if it dont work learn from it i personally have a grow journal and write down everything i do so i kno how my girl will react the first grow is always trial and error just cut a clone at the end and start again :) happy growing buddy and welcome to the best dam grow site in the world
Thanks bud, I'm shooting for that 'bonsai-ish' structure. I love this damn site, can't say enough about it!


How do u top? Dont break nods off its not good id leave em more growth more bud
I researched how to top for like 4 straight weeks before I even did it lol

I just break the top (literally) off gently by my fingers. Then let the plant recover for about 4-5 days, then do it again.

I have one plant that I started about a month ago from seedling that I am not going to top or train. Just gonna let it do it's natural thing. I'll give it some nuts of course. I'll ultimately compare and make the decision myself. But greatly appreciated others opinions


Active Member
you said your plants been vegging for two.months? Don't get me wrong the plant looks good, but two months it should be like 6 ft tall lol. Uhm what lighting are you using, what's your soil mix? Tap water? Additives? Ph?
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they look green as shit n everything, low light could make it grow slw, so can cold temps
Thanks I've been giving them blue planet nutrients for the most part. The lights I think have been sufficient - T5's. However, the low temps might have something to do with it. Even though I can control the temps now, starting out was a different story. The temps haven't always been ideal for these so far. But nothing below 60 at night and highest 82 during the day.


Active Member
60 Is pretty low, I had a temp problem 2 yrs ago, it was getting to like 59-60 and during flowering that big temp swing made my plants stretch alot, idk if that's why but I grew the same strain the same way but with my controller(atmosphere) and it was alot more bushy/compact


Active Member
what kind of soils are you using?, if your using.bottled nutes I'd just use sunshine mix or something similar

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Dude so far it looks good. You're doing very well for a 1st grow. Just keep on with what you're doing now and you'll be good to go. I veg with t5's and I try to keep em within 2-3 inches of the tops. You can get as close as 1 inch but I end having my plants grow into the light.


what kind of soils are you using?, if your using.bottled nutes I'd just use sunshine mix or something similar
I'm using promix hp, which is soilless. It has no nutes at all, I have to add my own. Ever heard of mr. Tight on YouTube? I base most of what I do on his videos.


Dude so far it looks good. You're doing very well for a 1st grow. Just keep on with what you're doing now and you'll be good to go. I veg with t5's and I try to keep em within 2-3 inches of the tops. You can get as close as 1 inch but I end having my plants grow into the light.
Thank you, it's nice to hear the assurance. I've somewhat experimented with the distance of the t5, but the closest I've got them to the canopy while still maintaining a good temp, is about 10 inches, which seems far from what I've heard/seen so far. I'm going to continue to play with the t5 but for now I switched these over to a 600MH.