New grower - New rooms


Active Member
Hey all,

New grower here - needs help with an ambitious project!

I am wanting to design basically the pimpest setup I can for around 25 total plants. Space is no issue. (Avg ceiling height? lol) What I would like is input on designing a sick little grow for myself. Resources aren't tight so make your best suggestions and I will try and pimp this out.

I have a wide open space in my basement so I just need to construct the rooms themselves. I would like to begin growing in soil, and definitly plan on keeping it that way for some time. I am going to be growing super silver haze and I was thinking I would like to alternate two harvests. Making each harvest around 10 plants, leaving up to 5 to experiment with other mothers and take clones from.

Thoughts so far:
2 rooms, one for flowering and one for veg/mothers/clones

Room One: Veg/Mothers/Clones/Seedlings
- Up to 10 plants in veg stage + up to 5 mothers
- I would like a little side table/ledge for beginning seedling and clones. (up to 10)
- CFL's for seedlings/clones
- Two 600 watt mh bulbs for main veg growth
- Interior mylar

Room Two: Flowering
- Room for 10-15 nice big plants
- Two 600 watt hps bulbs
- Interior mylar

For ventilation I am not sure what I will do at the moment. I would like to be able to clean both rooms air with one system. I can vent it outside as long as the odor is completely controlled. I need to find a good quality carbon scrubber still, but lets continue with the assumption I will find one. I am not too worried about heat or humidity, if problems pop up I will deal with it as I go. (grab a dehumidifier or a/c)

Anyways here a little paint picture I made in about 2 minutes, don't be too harsh lol. I figure leaving about a foot and a half around the grow area would be nice to let me get around. A very rough start but please I'm willing to take any helpful criticism, tips, ideas, so that I can work it all out!

What kind of dimensions should I be looking at?
What do you think of using that light setup?
Should I build something else completely?
Anything else?




stays relevant.
That actually sounds good. It also sounds like you will have plenty of room for what you want, even in 1 room if you divide it with tarp and stuff.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have money to spend, and with money, comes a good setup, and your plan definatley fits the bill. I hope you plan on keeping a journal whenever you get this built because I want to watch :D I can pretty much visualize your setup without even looking at your drawing yet ahah. your light setup should be good if you are planning on that many plants, you will be able to space out the lights and 2 600watters for each room should be good. One large room divided by a tarp or some kind of similar wall would be A pretty easy way, just make sure its light proof. You could maybe cut a hole in the tarp to snugly fit some exhaust pipes which would suck air out of each room and it would run up to a split which would feed through a filter to the outdoors... but I have NO idea about that kind of stuff so maybe I shouldnt of even said anything

oh yeah, and if you're going to have a cloning rack and stuff, are you sure you want CFLs? Why not get some of those long tube lights and a ballast for em? I dont know which ones are best but I just know the basic name for them is like (t5, t6, etc, i have no idea on that kind of lighting but you get my idea right?) It would take more CFLs to cover a rack than tubes :p
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Well-Known Member
How many feet from the door to the opposite wall facing the door? Graphic reproductions of space to be utilised for grow seems the intelligent thing to do - kudos for thoughtful planning.

Good luck with the grow!


Active Member
I've basically got the space to make whatever I need right now, the size of this setup will decide whats going to be across from it hehe - thanks for the comments so far!

-Looking into the lighting for seedlings/clones station
-Undecided on seperation between two rooms at this point, may tarp or something, or just build a wall.


Well-Known Member
So what do you plan on using all this bud you will be getting from your future plants? Personal use or selling a bit? and if you are actually up to building a wall (simple and removable right?) then that would be the best bet over a tarp in my opinion, but I dont know anything :D Pics of your growspot would be sweet.


Active Member
Personal use - planning on keeping myself well stocked :D
Timeline on when I'll actually be able to begin this is a little uncertain at the moment - could be a few weeks to a couple months. I'll def look into keeping a journal, but can't do any pics atm.


Well-Known Member
Do you plan on using LST so that you can keep the lights low along with the plants and get a lot of coverage with 2 ballasts? If you get what im saying...