new grower needs help


welll this was my first time taking clones myself in the past i just had altready potted clones given to me, mine did root, then i put them in soil and they dont seem to be improving at all ( been about a week in soil)

any ideas?



is that picture not showing up?
i had them in rock wool until the roots were sticking out about an inch
moved into some promix soil and they went to sh*t
had them under a 1000watthps in the shade of the mother, temp was around 27.
so ive just moved them to a seperate space under a 150watt hps


Well-Known Member
Pic's there now. They don't look so bad, HPS make the color difficult to tell. Some of them could use a little leaf trimming. Don't chuck them just yet.


thanks for the quick reply,
yeah mostly all the clones are going yellow, minus 2 that are doing well, but the leaves arent dried out so i guess ill just give em some more time and see what happens


whats the difference between the 2 doing well and the rest going bad? find out that difference, and you might find a solution. whats ph levels? how often do you water? what type of water are you using? whats the tempature like with lights on and lights off? and what type of soil is that????