New grower needs help please


I`m growing white dwarf auto fem in water and nutes with an airpump. one plant has leaves turning yellow and one has a skinny then fat stalk. i`ll try and upload photo`s. cheers


Well-Known Member
sounds like you need to work on getting photos and detailing your grow a little more instead of starting several threads about the same issues...


i know sorry, it disapeared off my screen so i done it again, then it appeared 3 times. laptop won`t upload at the mo for some reason. gonna try again tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
More info for sure.

Are you ph testing your water?

How strong are you mixing the nutes? what nutes?

How far along are they?

I'm growing a white dward and red dwarf at the moment too...


ph is 6.5. nutes are ionic hydro grow. i have 4 plants in a 20 gal hydro. they are 2 1/2 weeks. two seem to be further ahead than the others. one of the bigger ones is really dark green and healthy looking but has a stem that is really thin at the bottom then gets really fat. the other has leaves quite dry and turning yellow. I have them on 24hrs and change the water every week. They smell great even at 2 1/2 weeks.