new grower, need some help


Active Member
I was wondering if i could add anything to the soil of my plant to help it grow faster or strengthen the stem. I was thinking maybe composited grass like real old grass and i also heard molasses but i dont have any. Is there any household/outside organics or anything that could help me with this?

P.S. I am using a 21-7-14 maricle grow potting soil and my plant is only 4 days old.Cheach out my pic. thanks



Active Member
That looks like it's starting to stretch a bit for light. I'm only learning myself but i've been told by many people to lay off feeding while the plant is sprouting, maybe start when it's a few weeks old. The way i strengthened my plant was to keep a fan blowing on it, only very gently at first and by the time it was 4-5 weeks old the stem had got strong enough to withstand the full force of the fan. Just try to simulate a light breeze as if it were outdoors.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if i could add anything to the soil of my plant to help it grow faster or strengthen the stem. I was thinking maybe composited grass like real old grass and i also heard molasses but i dont have any. Is there any household/outside organics or anything that could help me with this?

P.S. I am using a 21-7-14 maricle grow potting soil and my plant is only 4 days old.Cheach out my pic. thanks
dont need to feed till 4 weeks.
maybe a little molasses 1 time a week.or the m.g.
but dont use the m.g for 12/12, get some proper nutes.
there is food in the soil for 1st 4 to 6 weeks of vegg.
dont use grass in the soil.
the soil you use must be sterile, no germs.

dont try to rush the plant.
what lights you using?.
all you will do is kill it, by using lots of nutes and grass clippings.