New Grower... Need Help!! Seedling Cut Off from and below Soil Level

FrOzEn RiNg

New Member
I am from India and this is my second grow.I am going for full organic grow.

I have planted around 30 to 40 seeds within 3 to 4 months. All of the seedling have been cut off just above the soil level after they develop the false leaves.
I have googled around and found to be Cut Worm but I have checked and no Cut Worms were found and the cabinet is secured.

50% - Coco Peat (Sterilized with H2O2 and Washed)
50% Perlite
Vermicompost Lightly Mixed
Need Cake very Lightly mixed

Small Plastic Cups(Beer Cups) with holes poked at bottom for drainage.

Germination Method:
Direct Germination: Germination Success
Water and Paper Towel: Germination Success

Watering the soil till run off ensuring that there are no air pockets before germinating.
No watering after planting the seeds.

1 - 85 watts Cool White CFL
1 - 40 watts Cool White CFL
Placed .7 foot above the seedlings.

Grow Cabinet:
Well Ventilated with Exhaust and Intake Fans.

Normal to cannabis plant.

Insect Problems:
No insects in Grow Cabinet. So no cut worms or etc.

Water Source.
RO Purified water. PPM 30 - 40.

These are my grow conditions.

Please help me out as I have lost quite few seeds and cant figure out whats happening.
Seedling keep dying and appeared to be cut off from just below soil level. It grows normal for 1 day after breaking the soil then, BAM!!!! Dead.

Stem looks fine only with cut. No signs of damping off on stems. And roots reached till bottom.

I also use light 6% (20 Vol) H202 mix. 15ml H202 in 1 liter water before planting my seed or germinated seeds.

I have tried with H202 and without H202.

I suspect damping off. Please tell me if I am on right direction and how to prevent it even when I don't water after putting the seeds in soil. I tried with only coco peat with very less watering to prevent damping off. But result was same.

My friend tried and he is having success with same soil and condition. He packs his soil mix(coco peat) tightly and puts his seed way down around 70 to 80% beneath the soil and I put 1 inch below the soil level. That's the only difference.

I will upload pics after I see it again as have I thrown them out for now.
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