new grower need help /advice

I have about six plants soil is miracle growing organic potting mix(bad choice i imagine) the pics of the first two plants seem to be doing well put i believe have stopped growing Plant 1 IMAG2474.jpgIMAG2475.jpgIMAG2476.jpg
Plants 2 IMAG2477.jpgIMAG2478.jpg
plant 3-6 are about a month old i believe this seem to be doing bad im guessing over watering but i think there are other issues.\
plants 3 IMAG2481.jpgIMAG2482.jpgIMAG2483.jpg
remaining plants IMAG2479.jpgIMAG2480.jpgIMAG2484.jpgIMAG2485.jpgIMAG2486.jpgIMAG2487.jpg

any advice tips let me know so i can save these guys
no i didnt dont let that top layer fool you its just a thin layer of soil from outside to keep the plant sterdy thats all but im thinking of making a new mix of soil bc im not really happy with the choice any suggestions on a mix


Active Member
what i like is promix bx with a lil added perlite i also mix in some foxfarm marine cuisine works great


Active Member
the mg organic works alright ive used it just make sure to add some perlite to help drain and to get air to the roots
the stores around here dont seem to have that just very generic walmart target stuff. The home depot has steer and chicken manure thats about as organic as it gets round here


Well-Known Member
what are your temps. humidity. do they look like that after yout urn the light off. looks to me like your watering because there wilted. but really there wilted cause its hot and there lossing water faster then the can take it up. and you keep watering and over watering the roots. just what i suspect.
its been getting really hot the past 10 days its been about 98 - 102 avg. They are pure out door so when the sun sets they seem to prop back up a bit. I think your right about the over watering cuz i was watering on a schedule when it got hotter, thinking that would be better for them.
im gonna work on that these next couple days switching to kellogg organic with perlite and blood meal. when transplanted do not worry about watering them yes or no?


im gonna work on that these next couple days switching to kellogg organic with perlite and blood meal. when transplanted do not worry about watering them yes or no?
i would water them well when you transplant, then wait until they are very dry before watering again. you can get a moisture meter at walmart for like $5 so you can tell when the plants are really dry. after doing that for a while, you should be able to gauge how dry they are based on the weight of the pot.