New grower looking for some advice


Well-Known Member
hello this is my first post as i've been a lurker for a long time but i've recently started growing and ran into this problem

i've tried using google to figure out what my problem is but most of what i've found only sort of looks like it so i decided what better way to find out then
to ask people who are experienced

i have this stuff on alot of my veg Strains are Chem Dog and GDP (grand daddy purp)

i would say they are no older than 2-3 weeks although probably not even that



Well-Known Member
Not an expert on plant problems, but If you post pictures, make sure to take any stored location data off if its a cell phone, or other gps enabled device. Good luck!

Side note, If you foliar feed with lights on, can be a burn...

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
If that's only a few leaf sets at one level, and the new/newer growth above it looks good, you're problem is gone. A pic of the whole plant after the first would have helped us out a lot.

Looks like it may have been cal/mag or a pH issue.


Well-Known Member
If that's only a few leaf sets at one level, and the new/newer growth above it looks good, you're problem is gone. A pic of the whole plant after the first would have helped us out a lot.

Looks like it may have been cal/mag or a pH issue.
yea its on 4-5 leaves i'm giving them cal-mag now i kind of figured thats what it was i can post a full picture if that would help more

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I figured that was it....VERY common!
Sure, post it.....That way we can be sure that was it.

Most problems will show corrections in the new growth.


Well-Known Member
Have you started nutrient feeding? If not i had same problem with white widow at 3 weeks and added 1/4 strength nutrient feeding cycle and she came out if it. Just my personal experience.


Well-Known Member
Looks like nute-burn. You are adding nutrients to your water then splashing it on the lower leaves. Avoid getting the nute-water on the leaves or use a milder nute solution. Take some small scissors and cut away those burnt sections of leaf. BigSteve.