New grower looking for friends in the community.

Dr Trilogy

New Member
I am growing my first plant, and I guess this will be my grow Journal. I'm new to the community, so any help or advice is more then appreciated. I would and photos, but I'm still figuring out how to add them on the mobile site. Will post pictures ASAP.


Well-Known Member
Hey Welcome, im sure if you post up some pictures of your setup we can all give you some feedback and maybe help you out a bit. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Welcome Doc!

I agree with Dannoo93, read til yer eyes bleed...Okay maybe not that long :bigjoint: But along with all that reading, don't be afraid to do and/or fail. I consider myself a relatively smart person, but I have to fall on my ass a few times before shit finally sinks in :roll: So while success is great, you sometimes luck into it. Failure sucks, but if you analyze what went wrong, you will not only come out wiser. You probably won't do stupid shit like that :eyesmoke:

Good luck with your grow!

R2T :peace:

Jar Man

Active Member
Welcome. Plenty of invaluable info on here. Posting pics is a cinch, just pick the Go Advanced tab and scroll down to the Manage Attachments tab on the advanced screen. Dialog box pulls up, hit the Add Files tab in upper right, select files from gallery or wherever, then hit the Insert Inline in the lower right corner. There's other options, but that's enuf basics to get started.


Well-Known Member
Welcome Dr. T!

Echoing what everyone else said. Great community and great advice here. Read, read read. Like R2T said, don't be afraid to fail. Of course, if you don't, so much the better :-). Even with success, there's always something to learn from every grow.