New Grower looking For Constructive critisim

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
On that burn spot should I trim it off just wondering? Or will it fuck up the food source for the plant?

don`t snip it out, it`ll be fine, you only should consider the snip when there really really burned from nutes or whatever, be more worried about the paleness spreading up the plant....


Well-Known Member
If the paleness is spreading up the plant, from the fan leaves, then this is a nutrient deficiency?
It's what I'm thinking...


I noticed this MG Soil has small balls in it I am guessing they are full of nutrients should I pop them, I am broke the rest of this month so I am not sure what I could do for the plant otherwise?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
well first thing is don`t stress over it, its as easy to kill them from kindness that anything else....

never used mg so have no idea what the balls are if there time release nutes this could be alot of the problem...


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure the white balls are indeed nutrients. I shouldn't pop them if I were you, but at least they'll keep your plant going through the month ;)


Well-Known Member
hey guys asherl leaves are curling upwards that means something, read a thread on curling upwards leaves but can't remember what the prob was maybe overwatering, if I find the thread I'll get back to ya.


Well-Known Member
Leaves/leafs pointing upwards can also mean it's in rude health!...I've seen them do this particularly after a crisis has been corrected, and they're finally getting what they needed.
Hopefully this is the case with Ashrel :)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah it could have turned the corner, you in now so you just have to ride it out and hope the nutes aren`t too strong for her in the next little while, if she pulls through the next week you`ll be grand...


I had something pretty bad happen in my life today, needless to say I had to toss all my babies. My wife and I about broke down in tears, You see I am Disabled and on SSDI and have many ailments including Failed Back Surgery, Spinal Cord Injury, Anxiety, Depression.... that this natural plant actually helps. But don't worry I will be back once some laws change.

I just wanted to thank all of you for the support and everything, This is a tight Forum I like it. Wish I could move to a different state right about now but other things very important are keeping me from leaving.

You all kick ass!!!


ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
I had something pretty bad happen in my life today, needless to say I had to toss all my babies. My wife and I about broke down in tears, You see I am Disabled and on SSDI and have many ailments including Failed Back Surgery, Spinal Cord Injury, Anxiety, Depression.... that this natural plant actually helps. But don't worry I will be back once some laws change.

I just wanted to thank all of you for the support and everything, This is a tight Forum I like it. Wish I could move to a different state right about now but other things very important are keeping me from leaving.

You all kick ass!!!

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yes its a great plant that once respected can help alot, i feel sorry for you dude, its people like you that need it, and too be harrassed or harnged out of growing is the true crime here, i hope you get sorted out and back on track soon..

even not growing you can still be a part of the comunity here tho, you have the intrest so study up on growing while your grow is down and come back at it hard when you do return.... ;)


Your right, and I will study up some more, I did learn quite a bit in the little time I had them though. I will be around not going to leave, and yes I will grow again :)

Of course for Pain not sure what I am going to do, Hopefully a new pain clinic will take me in. All these pills everyday, I can't wait till next year it looks good to pass here on Medical.