New grower here question about white powder in reservoir..

I would highly recommend a prefilter setup before the r/o with high ppm source water. Could be iron in well water which will foul membranes or filters in the r/o system. High ppm usually indicates calcium and magnesium which also foul r/o prematurely.
Any recommendations? on the pre filter interested at the current moment
I don't run an r/o system but have some background in water quality. The manufacturer should recommend prefilter specifications. Do you have a water conditioner that you add salt into? R/O systems vary alot. Industrial sized units use synthetic membranes to separate pure water molecules from impurities. Smaller residential units may contain a series of filters to accomplish this. If your prefilter(s) do the heavy lifting in a sense, then your r/o system will not foul as quickly:-)
I'm using Bloom City pH up that's uses potash-potassium hydroxide derived

pH down is phosphoric acid.

I am running a bucket now with the same nutes and bottled distilled water. I had to use pH up because the solution was at 4.3 after adding nutrients. I'll see what it looks like tomorrow. I'm guessing it will be fine though.

Any solution that goes above 8pH or below 4pH begins to precipitate and solids begin to form within the solution.

it could be that ph fell below and you’ve got the problem element suspended as solids in your mix now and not available for the plant.

my honest answer to this would be as follows.

for when you’re out of town.

mix your canna A and B.

add some H2o2 as per recommendations on the bottle.

adjust pH To 5.8 and leave it like this.

I’ll bet the addition of the rhizo and the ZYM aren’t helping at the min with your issue.

most people look to add Calmag products when ppm is under 100.

do you know the analysis of your source water?

Personally my source water is 0.2EC around 100ppm I add Ca and Mg to make that up to 0.4EC around 250ppm (.5 cal).

if my source water was 200-250 I wouldn’t add Ca and mg.

your canna coco A and B already have 5% Ca and 2% Mg add this to your already higher ppm water and you’ve probably got too much.