New grower - help with cabinet setup

Hi guys,

New to the growing scene but pumped to join. I just purchased a cabinet off craigslist that measures 2'6" wide by 1'1" deep by 5'7". I've read a lot and have decided upon a hydroponic grow and was wondering advice on how many plants i can fit in my cab and what type of lighting you would suggest. If height is an issue i can use the entire height of the cab and build a separate cab for vegging. From what i've heard its 1sq ft per plant which would mean 2 comfortably or 3 crammed. Would you use 2 or 3 large bubble buckets or go with one large rubbermaid with multiple pots in it? Also any links for the right fans and lights for cab would be much appreciated.



you will need to go with led lighting , or you will need a 4" or 6" can fan hooked to a 250watt-400 watt hps cooling it when its on.. if not you will deff run into heat issues.. you will need to cut holes in cabinet and put some computer fans in it.. one pushing air in... one pushing air out...

go with 2 plants, look up a SCOG grow ...


New Member
like he said go with a 250 -400 watt air cooled
and if u can best bet would be a 400 w dimmable one


Active Member
I'm new at this also. i just ordered a 2x4x5 grow tent and an LED light from China. I didn't want to deal with the heat issue and the electricity draw. I'm going with an aeroponic/DWC scog setup myself.
ordered a solarflare 200w and two hydrofarms. my new cab im using is 26in x 15.5in x 56in tall. Do you think i should just run one hydro farm under scrog in here or can i fit two?
Not sure I'd try two ScrOG plants in such a small space. Hell, I've been getting feedback that 23"x39" in my grow box will be too small for two plants in ScrOG...