New grower. Are we ready yet?


I had a small catipiller problem and aphids I used 2 tablespoons of canola oil 1 tablespoon of dawnndish soap and mixed into a gallon sprayer. Soaked all plants and it killed all aphids and stopped the catipillers from eating the plants and I did it while they were budding. I let it dry for a half hour then soaked them again with clean tap water. Didn’t hurt the buds and got ride of pest problem. Don’t know if this will help someone told me to use neem oil but I didn’t want to search around For it. If u do try it out just make sure there is no direct sun on the plants or the oil will burn the flower and leafs. And make sure u rinse everything off good luck and happy harvest


Well-Known Member
Definitely looks like some rot setting in. Unfortunately that is what happens with worm/caterpillar poop in the buds


Well-Known Member
So, should we apply some neem? I have some Natria concentrate that I use for my orchids. Will that work?
I would just get rid of the rot spots so it doesnt spread. Hopefully your bugs are gone or you are just going to have to try to manage it till harvest