new grow

need advice from old salts for dwc ...i have the following ..foliage pro ..dyna grow..dyna bloom ..hydroguard...maxigrow..maxibloom..and a hydrobucket for question is what is the best mix for a simple grow with the ppm...i can use either ro water or tap water which is 200 ppm ....grow lights ...led...sorry i also have pro tekt and cali magic thanks for any advice...i am into organics now and doing well but my wife brought me a hydro bucket and i have all these nutes to try so if i can grow weed with what i got so be it ...if you care to answer all good and i do have your respect if you don't..because this is one hell of a site for any newbie that wants to grow....
Biggest question is water. Use your tap water. You need an EC meter as well. Also solution temperature very important. Should be 70F or less. Waterfall works better than airstones too.
i have a good ec meter and i could do a waterfall ..thank you .. i have built up so many different nutes to try .... masterblend trio included but i am about keeping it simple .. i probably could stock some hydroponic stores with what i got.. like many new growers that are led to believe what works so you try this or that with not really knowing what your doing unless you find a site like this... i know it is trial and error but its the people on this site that is willing to bring forth their experience that make it simple... i know i am rambling sorry...
Masterblend is the shit for the start but outdoors i ran into lockouts i about week 5 flower.Could have been my drunkin watering regimen.