New grow starting


Well-Known Member
I ordered some seeds and bought a bunch of CFL's and they are giving me a hard time, then I read somewhere that I may have to move them daily at some points and that will give me some trouble because they are at fixed points(around the sides) now I am thinking I would like to try a HID instead. I was just wondering because I have such a small room and my 12 CFLs make the room like touching the side of a computer that has been running for a while, and its not fan cooled right now, but am installing a few computer fans and I have a couple small oscillating fans. So back to the question what is the smallest HID that is available to buy for growing. I am not interested any ones opinions that I should go get a 150 or 250 or something, I just want like a 70W HPS or something and was just wondering if there is such a thing.

Thanks and peace

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
yes there is such a thing .......just look on ebay , or type in 70w hps in your google search go for a 250w myself


Well-Known Member
LOL thanks Staiva, right after I asked I was like why don't I just go to google. Yeah, I found it and looks like I might go for the 70W or maybe get 2 45W.

Thanks again Peace


Well-Known Member
Check out this link, "The $20 150w complete HPS with ballast and bulb Link"
I agree. I haven't looked into this yet but if you can get a 150 watt HPS w/ ballast & bulb for $20.... well that is an unbelievable deal if you wanna do small scale grow. I can't imagine how you could beat it & fact is if you go w/ 70 watts you're going too small. 70 watts could do a very small plant @ best. I would say if you are in a closet, go ahead & use the 150W HPS and do 1 plant. If you have a small closet then 150Watts & 1 plant sounds like a good deal to me. Or if you're going from seeds then I would suggest even growing 2 plants & when they get big enuf to get a clone off of each one then I would do that & once the clones take root then you could use a couple of your cfl's to put the clones into flower & find out the sex of each plant. If you get 1 male then scrap it & then keep your guarenteed female under the HPS & grow it up to as big as you want, then flower for bud :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude, that is exactly what I am going to do. I really like that deal with that $20 150W HPS I would buy one today, only one problem, No Credit Card! I hate bad credit. Well does anyone know where I can get a cheap one of those from a hardware store or something. That would improve my harvest soooo much. Also I was just wondering if you could tell me how many CPU fans I would need to keep that room cool with 12 26W CFL, 1 45W CFL and 1 150W HPS?



Active Member
I want to start my grow, but will eventually have to leave my plants unattended for about 3-4 days to go home for thanksgiving. I understand it is never a good idea to leave lights unattended, but would it be safe to leave for 3 days with 250 hps lighting running 18/6 for the sake of my crop?