New grow started today.


Active Member
Hello there fellow RIU members. I have been waiting 10 days for this. After 10 days. My first clone I cut has rooted in a rockwool cube. I placed the whole cube and plant into a jiffy cup and covered in soil. I then placed the jiffy cup inside a purple container which is temporary. It will make it's home into a 3-5 gallon pot next week. Or sooner. The dimensions are 2 feet by 1 and a half feet, by 2 feet. I only plan on using this until next week when I have a grow tent which will measure 48"x48"x78" And the other two clones will have rooted by then. So I am growing in soil for two of the clones. The third one is going into a single site hydro system. I am using Scott's Hyponex potting soil for now. Hopefully switching to Happy frog fox farm soil. There is pertile in the soil already so I am thinking no nutrients until a month in, maybe a bit longer. This will be my first soil grow. So I am not familiar with watering and how to feed nutrients in soil. The strain is unknown. It came from a bag seed which was pretty dank. Decided to clone my mother plant right before I threw her into flower. She is finishing up right now. Right now I am using a 14 watt cfl with 2,700 lumens. Once again this is a temporary setup for a week. I am switching to either 72 watt cfl with 6,700 lumens. Or a t5 light fixture with 6,700 lumens to veg under. I will flower under a 250 watt hps. Pics will be posted every other day or so. I especially welcome members to give legitimate advice on soil growing. Here are a few pics of the 3 clones and the one in the grow box. View attachment 2053151View attachment 2053152View attachment 2053153View attachment 2053154


Active Member
Subbed up man :-P
Just curious... if i wanted to take a clone of a plant, how will i know it's a female...Because you can only determine sex when it's in flowering stage, right?
I would like to keep a mother plant in veg stage, butdon't know what the sex is.


Active Member
Subbed up man :-P
Just curious... if i wanted to take a clone of a plant, how will i know it's a female...Because you can only determine sex when it's in flowering stage, right?
I would like to keep a mother plant in veg stage, butdon't know what the sex is.
Just set the clone to 12/12 and wait it out.. and then you'll know.


Active Member
Just set the clone to 12/12 and wait it out.. and then you'll know.
Agreed, I waited until my mother plant showed one pistil on the whole plant and then took the cuttings that same day. The better way to do it, is what james87 suggested.


Active Member
Have a small update. Started germinating a dinafem diesel seed last night, hopefully it will sprout a neck today. I am getting a 200x usb microscope today, so I will have some pics coming later on.


Active Member
Sorry that I am taking so long to respond, but under recent circumstances I believe that I may have to kill this plant. Or at least have a friend take it. I'm going through some shit and I can't keep my clones or budding plant any longer. It's a sad day for this farmer.


Active Member
Well I haven't posted on here in a while. Newest update is. I am done growing. I got busted in a very shitty way. I was growing 6 plants. I had a dinafem diesel plant growing and budding in soil, along with an ak48 plant that was about to start budding, in soil. Also a small plant that was a day away from harvest. Two clones from an unknown strain, that were both in soil. One was a monster. I also had about 2 ounces hanging up to dry from a plant I started 3-4 months ago that I had a friend taking care of. Along with 2 grams of blue dream in a bag. ALl of it is now gone. Police came in and cut it up and bagged it for evidence and left. I am now awaiting a summons to court for the charges. If anyone wants to know the full story, just say so and I will post it.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Bummer man. Let's hear the full story. Hopefully it will keep others from getting busted in the same way.


Active Member
Alright. So I live in Massachusetts, where marijuana isn't even legal for medical use. I live in a small town in Mass where there aren't many drug busts, but people love to get in other's business. I never told anyone but my best friend that I was growing. Who I can trust. I am living with my mother. She was cool with it. So there was no problem there. My brother also lives with me, and shares a room with me. It sucks. Anyway, he was kind of helping me out with the grow. Well last week. Tuesday night. My mom and step dad got drunk. As many of us know, nothing goods comes from alcohol. They started fighting, and literally hit each other. So my mom called the police. I asked both of them to please go outside and calm down. I wanted them outside so they could be outside when the police showed up. Well my step dad ran out the back door and was hiding outside somewhere. The cops came in, and my mother let them right in. Talked to them a little bit, and then an officer asked her if they could search the house. My mom...being drunk and not thinking said yes. As soon as she did my stomach dropped and I just thought fuck. The cop went right for my room. Opened the door and saw the grow setup and radio'd in "we got a separate situation here, we got a grow." I was like okay...I am going to jail. Another officer came in and read me my rights, and my brother said it was his room too, so they read him his rights. Then they took down our information. I asked if I could go get pants and socks and my shoes on because I was 99% sure I was going to jail for the night. This was happening at about 10 at night by the way. So we asked the police if we were being arrested, and they said they didn't know what was going on yet. So we sat there while they radio'd in to the station requesting a detective and the drug task force. The funny thing is though, we don't have a real drug task force. The supposed drug task force is made up of a detective from my town, another from a city next to use, and a couple state troopers. Well me and my brother sat in my kitchen with two officers for two hours for this one detective. While waiting. I told the officer how many plants, how big they were, how long it took to grow them. But I never said what I was growing them for. So when the detective finally arrived. He had me sign a form saying I give consent for them to search and take the evidence. Because my mother and my name was on the lease we both signed. Yes we live in an apartment as well. So I signed and they went into my room and started tearing the plants apart or whatever. I didn't watch. He asked me to come in the room and asked me if there was anything else in the room they needed to know about, because I had a pile of random stuff against the wall. He said he didn't feel like looking through it, so he asked if there was anything else. I said the bud hanging up to dry, the other buds on the paper drying. A little baggie by my tv stand and the plants and that is it. So I left and they continued, then he asked if I had any seeds. Which I did. I have about 6 more seeds that I got from online, but they were well hidden. So I said no. They took about 20-30 minutes to finish and before they left the detective stopped and talked to me. He said "you guys need to get out and get real jobs and find another way to make money." I said "well it's going to be harder now because if this goes on my record, then it will be harder to get a decent job, and I have already been to 4 job interviews this week." He said "well we have the evidence, and it's up to us whether or not you get charged. It's in our hands." I just said "alright." Then they left. So we never got arrested. Which baffles me because most people get arrested when they are busted for growing. Right now. I have no peace of mind. I have no idea what is going to happen. I am just expecting a letter in the mail saying I am summoned to court for the following charges which would be cultivating marijuana and possibly intent to distribute. Although I will stick with the argument I was growing it for my own personal use. The police dumped out all of my nutrients and ph down into the area where I was growing 3 plants in soil. They took my hps light and cut the cord off of it. They left my single hydro system and pots I was growing in. They destroyed my window fan for some reason. They broke the knob off it, and cut the cord. They also cut the cord off of my space heater which I was using to heat my room for my own benefit. On top of all of that. My mother, my brother, and I all got an eviction notice by the land lord on friday. So that is what happened. Any questions, feel free to ask.


Active Member
Lesson to any young person living with their parents. If your parents create drama or problems. Don't grow in your house. My lesson is learned. When I move into my own place. Maybe I will start back up, but that is to say if I don't go to prison. FML.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that. Best of luck.

I will say however, you most likely won't go to prison. I mean, they haven't even arrested you. If you were that big of a risk to the law, don't you think they would have you behind bars already?


Active Member
Sorry to hear that. Best of luck.

I will say however, you most likely won't go to prison. I mean, they haven't even arrested you. If you were that big of a risk to the law, don't you think they would have you behind bars already?
I agree, but I cant have any sort of peace of mind. Just wondering if they are going to do anything


Active Member
Shitty deal... They talked to you about finding work as a way to get a confession you're selling it. They probably killed the fan and heater because of chance of mold if u go pawn them or something. They were probably thrilled with how compliant you were..

Also, you shouldnt have signed their search permission... you didnt give permission, but now u did, their evidence is legit.


Well-Known Member
Hello there fellow RIU members. I have been waiting 10 days for this. After 10 days. My first clone I cut has rooted in a rockwool cube. I placed the whole cube and plant into a jiffy cup and covered in soil. I then placed the jiffy cup inside a purple container which is temporary. It will make it's home into a 3-5 gallon pot next week. Or sooner. The dimensions are 2 feet by 1 and a half feet, by 2 feet. I only plan on using this until next week when I have a grow tent which will measure 48"x48"x78" And the other two clones will have rooted by then. So I am growing in soil for two of the clones. The third one is going into a single site hydro system. I am using Scott's Hyponex potting soil for now. Hopefully switching to Happy frog fox farm soil. There is pertile in the soil already so I am thinking no nutrients until a month in, maybe a bit longer. This will be my first soil grow. So I am not familiar with watering and how to feed nutrients in soil. The strain is unknown. It came from a bag seed which was pretty dank. Decided to clone my mother plant right before I threw her into flower. She is finishing up right now. Right now I am using a 14 watt cfl with 2,700 lumens. Once again this is a temporary setup for a week. I am switching to either 72 watt cfl with 6,700 lumens. Or a t5 light fixture with 6,700 lumens to veg under. I will flower under a 250 watt hps. Pics will be posted every other day or so. I especially welcome members to give legitimate advice on soil growing. Here are a few pics of the 3 clones and the one in the grow box. View attachment 2053151View attachment 2053152View attachment 2053153View attachment 2053154
is that a sock??


Active Member
you may as well have invited them to check your porn collection for anything that might be considered illegal. I know you were scared, its how most people behave when they give all trust. Kinda reminds me of The Goonies when that kid was caught and he confessed to every little thing.


Active Member
you may as well have invited them to check your porn collection for anything that might be considered illegal. I know you were scared, its how most people behave when they give all trust. Kinda reminds me of The Goonies when that kid was caught and he confessed to every little thing.
I didn't invite them in...if it were up to me I wouldn't have even let them in my house. I wasn't scared I just knew once they saw it, there was no hiding anything. Only an idiot would try to sit there and lie and hide things when everything is already out in the open.