New grow setup


Active Member
Ok to start off im going to appologize for any questions i ask that could have been found in a FAQ section or other spot. I've been reading as much as i can the last few days but there is just an overwhelming amount of information to find here (which is definetly not a bad thing :-))

First things first i have a side room in my cellar that isnt used for anything right now but storage. Despite my lack of carpentry skill/experience i plan on building a nice little setup that can hold about 4-6 plants and another setup to veg the little ones so by harvest time i can rinse and repeat to have a constant supply growing. Ideally i will be growing strains that are more short and bushy rather than tall and lanky.(any suggestion for good bud this type would be great, heard lowryder/ak48 was good for this?)

Now for this setup with smaller plants that are bushier what type of dimensions should i be looking to build. Also what type of light/wattage would be ideal for a grow like this? Smell is an issue so i will probably be purchasing a carbon filter, but read in a few posts that people were using anti odor gel. Is this a viable way to hide smell for 4-6 plants? Finally to the fans/exhaust. How many fans should i be using for a grow of this size if i go with something like a few 80mm computer fans?

Thanks for any help in advance and i'm sure i'll have a few more questions in the future as i start putting this together.


Active Member
Anyone with any help at all? mainly looking for how wide/tall these are going to be and if i make 2 boxes for the plants how much lighting is necessary.


Active Member
Whats the dimensions of the room you are growing in? What kinda budget you on?

Was planning on building grow boxes for this side room....maybe 2 boxes 3 plants per. Budget shouldn't be an issue. Just never grew before so wasn't sure how many to put in a box. Setting up one of those stealth PC veg boxes as we speak and was just wondering dimensions i should be making for these boxes and the size of the fan necessary to keep 2-3 plants in good shape.

On a side note ive had a tough decesion deciding on a strain to go with and was thinking of getting the mixed bag of seeds. Anyone ever use these get good plants?