New grow room with g13 royal kush & la woman


Well-Known Member
Looking alot better. The idea about buying a dummy door was the best IMO. Store the door that is on there now somewhere and pick you up a cheap door some where the same size and cut holes in it for your inlines.


Luxury Tax

will post pictures again at the end of the week to show the progress. however i would like to know when i should start using the nutrients and what would be suggested water amount i should water the plants,generally going by bottles of water as a measurement.


Well-Known Member
I normally start nutrients when the 4th leaf set comes out and is pretty developed. Start off with anywhere from 1/4-1/2 strength nutrients and work your way up to 100%.


Luxury Tax

Here's an update with a few new pics. I have a few questions however, When should i start using the nutrients, the plants are about to be on there 4th set so i was thinking of maybe incorporating them soon, or should i just not even use them. I think these plants are moving pretty fast. The second being some yellowing however not much. On the last photo there is a yellow affect on the bottom leaves and they look sort of singed? What is occuring here? Anyway please leave some tips if you have them



Well-Known Member
They are getting hungry feed those plants don't continue without using nutrients. Like I said start off light and work your way up to full strength less is more.


Luxury Tax

i added the nutrients a few days ago, hopefully i will see an increase in size soon, I also added molasses to the watering. Will post new pics soon

Luxury Tax

Been a few days since i updated, the nutrients have been seen coming thru to the plants as you can tell in the pictures. The leaves are turning yellow on the bottom and starting to shrivel up. This is my only concern. On another note today was the first day of flowering i have changed the light in the room and am now on a 12/12 schedule. Please tell me any thoughts on these setbacks that i am facing.


Luxury Tax

the plants are all starting to look droopy and are begining to bend, should i start tying them down with stakes? please someone help

Luxury Tax

so here are the problems im having, the plant pictured is starting to droop a lot and just look unhealthy. A few other plants are starting to turn this way too. I have included the pictures below so please help me out with this.


Luxury Tax

Here are some full shots at of the whole set up and what each individual plant looks like. I would really like some input as the plants do not look healthy but then again im getting paranoid. I started the flowering last thursday and tomorrow will be a full week of flowering.



Well-Known Member
Whats your water sched been like? Keeping door open when lights on? Your still alright, but they are def hurting. Stick to Bottle per two plants every couple day when ever dried out...keep door open when suns up. 18 inch away no closer no farther. Do these things and i cant see problems....not there tho so really tough to help.


Well-Known Member
Also post this shit anywhere you can....problems and help forums....we need help brotha.

We on tight time for delays. These things are tough plants tho, were not dead yet.