
Well-Known Member
Today I have been very busy cutting tubes, foam board, plastic...ok you get it. I went with the foamboard idea for building my walls and found some at home depot with a reflective side for $10. I also set up my ebb and flow system today which also has a 1ft airstone in the res for added oxygen. I have the timer set to run the pump and airstone every 2 hours for 30 mins at a time. Is that a good schedule? I still have to build some sort of front piece to my box. I dont want to do it out of foamboad because it will be too hard to take it off and on when I need to tend to my plants. Any suggestions for a door/front with easy opening? I dont want to use a tarp because it will not be airtight. As you can see my "cloning" area is next to the res and I will be using an aerogarden for cloning. I plan on fitting 2 carbon filters into the left side when I find a good DIY for carbon filters/scrubbers. The fan in the picture is really big but I have 2 others that look just like it but are very small that I will use to vent air out of the box and through my filters. I am going to be growing blue cheese so odor control is one of my top priorities. Until my seeds arrive I am just practicing with some basil and stuff to get the feel for things. Any suggestions/comments are greatly appreciated.




Well-Known Member
yoyogrow said:
-=4:20=-Guy said:
yoyogrow said:
So for my space, 5ft tall x 3ft wide x 2ft deep you would reccomend me using my 250watt mh for veg and a 250 watt hps for flowering? I plan on having 4 plants, is the 250 hps enough for that many plants?
To start off with your area will fit 6 plants nicely if you have full use of the floor area.

I would really try and run one of each during flowering (1-250wMH & 1-250wHPS) for your situation. The use of a MH during Flowering will keep your plants from getting to tall for your area, and keep tight bud formations, as well as keep the distance of radiating heat down.

Another option is to use a 400w or 430w, which will require more distance from to escape the radiating heat, and the SOG method to keep the girls away from the heat.

Hope this helps and I'll be around.

Check out my room here I use one 250w for keeping 2-4 mums + 20-30 newbies, in a 4ft x 3ft veg area.
Thanks for the info. Very helpful. Heres what my grow area looks like I dont know if 6 plants would do well in there but what do you think? Also can I just use the hps without a hood because theres enough room for 2 full sized hoods.
Shit man you can definatly go with 6 plants in there your gonna want a little thicker layer of median. As for your lights I thought your entire space was 2x3x5, but you are running it in a much larger room. I would just go ahead and go with a 400w Full Spectrum light with a remote balast for flowering, and if theres room run the 250w MH too.


Well-Known Member
Airstone should run at all times. Ebb Flow twice a day.

Also are you using rockwool cubes?
I see at least a foot of space above the shelf is this area not being used?

I see no section for your Mum.


Well-Known Member
Yes I am using rockwool and no there is nothing going up there. Also the other side of the closet is identical to that side and nothing is going there either...except clothes which can easily be moved.


Well-Known Member
I would try and utilize that last foot if possible every bit counts. As for the door you'll be best off with something sturdy like particle board so that you wont need a frame.