OK...just got back home from work an hour ago and the air-pots I ordered were sitting at my front door and luckily I just picked up new bag of top soil that had nothing in it but peat moss...Exhausted as I was I put the air-pots together and attempted the transplant (sounds like I'm doing a heart transplant and it felt like it too...lol). Transplant of the four plant were successful. I had to scrape off some soil from around the ball and whatever was loose from the bottom of it to get rid as much of that Miracle Grow because the new air pots were about an 1"-1 !/2" narrower than what I took them out of but they were 6+" deeper. Filled the bottom of the new air pots up with new soil...scraped the ball with my finger tips and pushed it into the new pots. I took my stash of rain water (2 gallons) and put that into my watering can along with 1/2 teaspoon of Superthrive. Watered each air-pot immediately.
Took a wire hanger and wrapped some white duct tape around where I bent it so as to give my girls a pillow

...slipped one of those bent hangers down around the main stem and bent'r over till I my heart quit beating....lol...and left it at that. Maybe I'll bend it over more in a day or so. I only bent one so far. Wanted ask ask you how ya'll think it looks before I go ahead and do the other three. Is it worth doing at this point or am I too late? Seems Ok...but I am a noob'n all and I love my girls so....
Whatcha think??
You can see the one I bent over. Twwo shots of that one...it's in the forefront on the right as you can see. One shot overhead...if you look you can see the white duct tape slightly over the stalk...and the other shot is straight on...Mannnnnn was I shittin' doin' that
Air temps been pretty good...close to constantly around 85* and humidity with my humidifier crankin' its been keeping it just over 65%...
..and Jack...gonna try and find the mycorrihazze...
OK..so one more time...should I do the other three LST'ing like I did that one and should I try and bend'r over more in a day or so??
EDIT: How do ya like how I have my Caliber lll Humidistat or whatever they're called fastened to the top of a chrome rod I have stuck into one of the pots...I slide the rod up to the top of the tallest plant as it grows. Lets me know if my lights too hot and at the top of the tallest plant...and if I need to raise it
EDIT TWO:..oh, and Jack...I had each plant in the next room as I transplanted them so it was out of the light and I was able to check them with no grow light. They couldn't look healthier

Just hope the transplant didn't shock em' but it's been a cpl of hours now and they still seem fine...{{{{prayin'}}}}}
EDIT FOUR...lol: Just checked out yer plants Jack...WOWWWWWWW Sick!! Those the LSD's huh? amazing!!! I'm salivating more'n my dog does...lol