New Grow Room 1000 sqft


Active Member
Hi I am a new patient in michigan, and starting a new grow room. I want to set it up for 36 plants because I'am a caregiver for 2 others. Just wonder if anyone had had any design ideas and how many watts I should use? I have a 40'x25' room with 2 basement windows on the back wall. I am gonna growwith dirt in 5 gal buckets. Planned on using white panda plastic around the hole room, and using visqueen on the ceilling.


Trying to have 36 flower at once? If so you are going to need 3/4 1000 watt HPS lights. Carbon filter, you really just need to concentrate on the fan, get one with high CFM. With the filter, I would say go as large as you can, and the largest possible duct also