New Grow, Not New Grower.


Well-Known Member
So your clones stems just sit in the Water yer nothing ackully holding them >?
Also what sorta sucsess rate u usally looking @ with ya cloner
Cheers dude :D


New Member
hmm ima have to get some of those i really like those and i see the pros using them for clones and to germinate...i like them because u can keep the plants in there for longer because they are bigger than these starter pucks i use now...and i like how they have the smaller ones that also fit inside the bigger ones so that when they grow u dont hafta take them outa the rockwool u just put the smaller one ina bigger one...can u do that with those that u have or do u just have 1 size?


Active Member
>Morduskull------Well since this is my first time ever using one, my success rate has been about 90% and I have only had them in there for about 2 weeks. The first week I almost killed them from not warming the water, now I keep it at 74 degrees like most recommend.
I have to say I love it, because even once they root you can leave them in there till you're ready for them in your room.
5 of 6 of my hashberry's have had roots for 5 days now and I;m just leaving them till I can get to the Hydro store.

>Synik----Yeah they really are good, but hold water a bit too good lol. It is VERY easy to kill anything in them due to water retention. But I usually just buy about 100 1 inch cubes and put them in growrox once there are roots showing.
I run a 4x2 ebb and flow table for my clones actually, I'll be getting some pictures of it up soon. These are just my recent mothers, and I personally find it much easier to maintain a mother in single DWC buckets and take clones every week or two.

You should check this thread out, it really will help you. Most of my knowledge and growing process comes from him. His normal yield is 1g/watt, which totally rapes mine.... I can only dream of this kind of crop as of right now. But I have only been into hydro and HID's for a year now so maybe it isn't too far out of site?

Enough of my nonsense banter, here is the link.