New Grow need Help Please?


Active Member
hey guy how's it going well i'm attemting my first grow the strain is kalichakra i dont have a web cam so i cant provide pics but will try to desribe as best as possible what the problem is. it's in second wek of flowering white hairs are growing all over and it seems as if everything is going good then i check on the beauty this morning and notice on one of the top flowers near the main cola at the base of the leaf where the stem and leaf meet two little clusters seem to be forming i've never heard of male seed sacs growing in this location but then again i dont have much experience growing i dont want to jump to conclusions but just wondering if anyone knows if it is indeed male flowers forming or some kind bud growth anyway i know not providing pics doesn't help much but would appreciate any help at all


Active Member
i know there's alot of tried and true methods out there to hash making what's the easiest way of making some potent hash the blender technique?


Active Member
will try to get a webcam and take pic but it' not forming on the fan leaf it's the two smaller leaves which are right by the main cola right at the bottom of the leaf where that little hole is right before the stem is the location and they're so small i can tell what they are