New Grow, LST or Topping?

What method do you prefer?

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Hey guys, I recently built a 3' x 3.5' x 1.5' grow box out of an old shelf.

For this grow, the size of the plants will have to be small, and i have done topping before in previous grows, but the plants usually get pretty tall still, just with more tops produced.

I have been told by a friend that i should just do one or the other and he pushes for me to be topping them, but in my experience I haven't been able to keep them very short.

Can I start to Lst my girls and also top them to maximize bud sites? or just pick one? this will be my first time with low stress training if i end up going that route. What you you guys suggest i do? :confused:

:peace: &:leaf:
experiment try one on one plant another on the other see what works best and maybe try both on one as well depending on how many u have..cheers
Ive got 4 female plants that were taken from an unknown purple mother plant, I think i will top 2 and lst 2 and see how it goes and maybe also LST the topped plants after they pop out the other tops?
Lst'ed, topped, fimmed, and vegged for 3 months purple cheese! As long as you have the patience and time you can do all kinds of things to this wonderful plant bro!
Wow, those girls are beautiful! Im 1 month into veg right now and i started to LST 2 of my girls, i think i will top the other 2 and then wait a bit to start to LST them. How much does it slow down growth if i top and then LST? Thanks for your reply!
Also, Have any of you guys used coffee grounds to raise the nitrogen levels instead of using synthetic nutrients? I use fox farm and Advanced nutrients but only during flower, i like to stay as organic as possible for the veg and only use a small amount of nutrients when needed in flower.
Is it best to use grounds that have already been used and dried again or should i use fresh grounds to get the maximum amount of nitrogen from it?


Well-Known Member
Wow, those girls are beautiful! Im 1 month into veg right now and i started to LST 2 of my girls, i think i will top the other 2 and then wait a bit to start to LST them. How much does it slow down growth if i top and then LST? Thanks for your reply!
It depends on how old the plant is in veg with her being over a month old she'll recover in no time I topped fimmed and lst'ed my girls all in the same day and when I waited about 2 more weeks i did it again. But my plants at the time were about 2 months old so I think the longer you veg a plant the more resilient that bitch is gonna be so train her accordingly and you should be fine!

So yesterday was when i decided it was time to top my two plants that are not being LST'd, and while i was looking at the plants i noticed a few yellowish spots in the center of one of the lower fan leaves, would this be a calcium deficiency? I have never encountered this problem before. I did some looking around on google and saw that some people used coffee creamer in some water to give the plant calcium relatively fast and they swear that it works. Have any of you guys heard of this tech? I'm just looking for a home remedy for a calcium deficiency.


Well-Known Member
I have two being LST'd and two that have been topped. In a week or so, i will LST the topped plants and the Top the two LST'd plants. Im going to see what is better to do first or if it even has an effect on growth. That lady you have there is looking nice!
Thanks man this is my first time doing both so thanks! She is about 10 days into flower I think!


Well-Known Member
I think it helps to top first get it bushing out then lst it to get more bud sites and grow them up to canopy level then top again the plant I have is topped twice


Active Member
Top to get 4 then tie down, more branches for the others to sprout from seems faster.