new grow log 3rd lifetime grow


New Member
ok guys bear with me.Ive been lurking around these sights for years and havent picked up a seed since 07.Seeing as how i only had grown two previous times to harvest and the space of time between i might as well be a complete newbie so theres alot of trial and error in the begining of this grow still the ladies are 10 days in flower looking lovely anyways heres my setup

soil grow= roots organics potting soil
lighting hps 150w plus 150 real watt cfl supplement lighting
area- 2ftx3ft x6ft grow tent
ventilation- one 4 in fan for exhaust at top vent,circulating 6 in clip on fan in tent(yes i know better setup needed but temps are consistent at 74-76
seeds-just some good bagseed but i have some sweet seeds green poison and ladyburn 1976 from greenhouse for next grow
nutrients-lol well now im using strictly general organics go box line up but everything from mg yes mg to jungle juice 3 part untill i got the right nutes
pots-now flowering in 4gal and 5 gal buckets

ok guys well work is coming fast i will post some pics of around week one and 2 but when i get a chance i will continue this journal which is well documented throughout up untill today day 10 flower.

anyone who seems to have real experience not internet reading is more then welcome to give me feedback good or bad



New Member
CameraZOOM-20130401193930279.jpgCameraZOOM-20130420141738835.jpgok so heres the funny part lets fast forward say 3 weeks maybe 4 who knows shoulda dated things but my thoughts are past this grow of great bagseed to my next line of good genetics but anyways so fast forward 3-4 weeks to picture on right now funny thing is the 2 nicest plants outta the 4 are males which are now gone because i have plenty of these seeds already should i want to grow it again or god forbid clone this mids crap and the little one is one that was really rootbound and once i repotted is now a monster sative im talking that went from ten inches to almost four foot lol ill show you the pics later and the other i have in flower is the least bushy of the 4 you see in the pic.oh and i got bored and just threw a scrog from medicann (sour x og) in water gonna pop her in a jiffy pellet soaked in a liquid of great white bio bloom and bio root in small amounts phd 5.5-6 keep ya posted may not be the most detailed but i have more pics and im bout 20 days since showing flower now, next grow i promise ill follow close when i clone mother and clone my darkstar and possibly a cheesequake


New Member
just realized i have swapped grow areas and am now in a 2 x 3 x 6 ft high tent (lol mentioned that in intro i guess haha)