New grow journal and stealth box


Well-Known Member
If you are accepting helpful criticism, I think you have your work cut out ahead of you.

If stealth is your goal, awesome, but you are not really near there yet. First off, I would make it lightproof TODAY. Seal it up. Second I would sand down the jagged edges that don't run smooth with it, make it look like a box, not like a few boards that you hammered together. Take the stickers off of it (the barcode ones) and paint it. I would recomend painting it a lite blue color with some clouds and a train on it. Sounds gay, I know, but that way it would look like an old toy box. If someone sees it, tell them you keep your toys in it that you had when you were growing up, for sentimental reasons. It would explain the lock on it as well. Probably wouldn't raise too many questions if someone saw it.

Next you need to think about ventilation. I know you have an ocolating fan on the inside, which is great, but an intake hole and an exhaust fan would work great. Even if temps are not an issue, getting some of the air moving is better for the plant. If the only thing you do is put a small computer fan in the top right corner near the back, and a passive intake hole in the bottom left that would be fine. Of course make sure you light proof these with 90 degree baffles.

Lastly, what are your concerns in regards to smell? Planning on running a carbon scrubber, or an o3 (ozone) generator? If you are 15 days into flowering, this is probably something that should have been covered about 45 days ago, but if I were you I would fix this problem TODAY, before they start stinking up your house and getting you busted.

This is all only if you are going for stealth. If not, it doesn't matter much. I would still advise the ventilation though, and either get the mylar installed, or paint the inside flat white.

I would fix the outlet that you pluged it into as well. You have alot of power running from that light socket you converted back into a power plug. Not really recomended, you might start a fire. Just read up on some wiring and put in an outlet. Better to do it now, do it right, and do it smart then to wait and be lazy, and get a fire later on.

But your plants look great man. A little small, but I think that's what you were going for. So good job, and good luck.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help special, a lot of good ideas. stealth is my goal for right now so sanding and painting is definitely on the agenda. the ventilation is one main concern...the box is pretty big right now compared to the plants but it will be a problem. but cutting a hole will make it look all shady. any ideas? and ya the smell is getting there. i found a way to make your own carbon filter online (5gallon bucket) im a try it out this weekend after finals are over, hopefully it works. And finally about the wiring. im moving in 2 1/2 months and rent so rewiring is out of the question, and i had to put it in the light socket because there are no outlets in there.... keep the help come guys and thanks again for the tips special ..... Keep smokin


Well-Known Member

all seven seeds have sprouted and have been planted in small growing containers, using expert garder soil mix (looks and feels a lot better then mg i was using before...)
ill update as soon as they break the surface

ohh here is the scrubber/odor control im a use
Build your own Odor Neutralizing Machine - Cannabis Culture Forums



Well-Known Member
3 have sprouted now the rest shouldnt take much longer. Here are the new guys, i mean girls :) ...ohh boy i cant wait to smoke some home grown afghany goo


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Well-Known Member
Just put in 3 more 42 watters, and plan on gettin 4 more for the sides. Hopefully it will be enough to grow the goo
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Well-Known Member
here are some more pics of my 3 i got flowering now...the first is my baby nice and bushy and tight....the last 3 are my other 2 and then a side view of all three. and i guess my pup snuck into one of the pictures, see if you can find her...:)

only 4 of the 7 seedlings have popped through the soil, but they are looking good about 2 -3in tall apiece ill post some pics of them later this week when the other 3 sprout...



Well-Known Member
They look good, i have the same electric setup: lightbulb switch converted to 2 prong outlet but them i also put a 2-prong to 3-prong converter so i could put a surge protector on


Well-Known Member
yep exactly what i did:0 ive told by a bunch of people that it is apparently not safe but i dont see the difference of this and just plugging it into the is the same thing

ohh and i did get the idea from you ;)


Well-Known Member
UPDATE 5/19::

Only four sprouted out of the seven which i found weird. i even dug around in the shit i planted them in and couldnt find them.... i replanted the 4 today and think i am gonna leave them outside to grow until the ones i got flowering are done. they should just beast it out there. Here are some pics of them replanted...

the last one is the biggst one so far...



Well-Known Member
ya i dont gotta worry about my neighbors, the house i rent while im at school is on an acre and a half. it is all to the back i just put them on my deck. its cool as long as they dont grow to 6 feet tall out there:)


Well-Known Member
sorry to double post man, but i was just catching up on your thread and your flowering ladies look amazing. Keep it up;-)


Well-Known Member
yeah looking good will be checking in
i hate it when seeds just disappear dont sprout and arent in the soil anywhere... Seed Snatchers


Well-Known Member
Hey bro I had that same problem with my seeds my first 2 shots at growing,lol. ahh it just has a way of working out....Anyway listen i just posted this thread maybe you can look at it and leave your opinion. I have been contemplating this decision in my head for days and could not make a definite decision. To use my 400hps(or)T5 alright later bro


Well-Known Member
This is my oldest girl......shes been with me a while im gonna be a little sad to see her go. what do you guys think of her. i know shes little, but i think its pretty good for the first time...updates tomorrow of the new babies...

The last one is upside down... guess i was too high:)

