New Grow Game In Progress

Mini Gizii

Active Member
Well ive been around a while and noticed that most growing games are just not that good. So today me and my friend downloaded game building programs and set out to build a growing game of our own. I will post it when it is complete, but until then here are some specs about what the game includes:

What Can u Grow?

Marijuana (Different Strains ex. AK-47)
Magic Mushrooms
Coco (Cocaine)

Other Things added to the game:

You will be able to get high of any of the drugs in the game (each one will have a different effect)

You will be able to sell your products to NPC's for money

You can also buy drugs of NPC while you are waiting for yours to grow ( You can either sell it for profit or use it)

More interaction with NPC's than other growing games

You choose the way you grow (Indoor, Outdoor, In a Green House, Guerilla)

Different Strains of weed sell for different amounts

Large towns and cities where you can buy seeds and sell/buy weed for different amounts depending on the NPC

Nutrients and Fertilizers can be used to increase your crop

Ability to be busted of get your crops ripped

Ability to save your game so you can go back and continue your game.

This game is currently in making and will probably be finished within 1 - 2 months. The reason i posted this is so that you could add to these plans or post your own ideas or views about this game.


Well-Known Member
gotta have cops other rival dealers and basically all the good stuff I was hoping they would make a game for xbox based off of the series weeds but dosnt look like it will ever happen.


Well-Known Member
you should have housing locations as well..

im not saying go all into but as a stoner gamer..

1. various housing locations(30 acre fields anyone?)
2. incorporate the vehicle/pawnshop into the mix
(think space in your car..hidden pockets..and guns...ooohooohooo guns..)
3. growers IQ (dont nuke with the nutes intill 2 weeks when to stop, when you have to flush..)

Mini Gizii

Active Member
good ideas ive already told my friend about em were going to try to add em all into the game. Never thought about those 1's pretty smart

Mini Gizii

Active Member
probably 2d for the first patch until he buys the new software. We need to sell some weed to save up :P

Its 800$ for the software we need


New Member
This would be an awsome game. Maybe if you decide to expand it put some crazy shit in it like asorted pills an other drugs. It sounds like some kinda gangster game, which i like =]