New grow from seed


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I’m not sure how. This is my first female ever (had 3 males before her), I keep my parameters stable, feed low dose every time I water.

Day 17 of 12/12 two months old from seed tomorrow View attachment 4288859

that is mine at day 10 i don't really keep temps that great due to my growing conditions/lack of proper equipment but yea so far this is the best i got within 10days maybe it has to deal with temps? i didn't use any pre flip supplements either and kept feeding veg nutes until around day 7


Well-Known Member

that is mine at day 10 i don't really keep temps that great due to my growing conditions/lack of proper equipment but yea so far this is the best i got within 10days maybe it has to deal with temps? i didn't use any pre flip supplements either and kept feeding veg nutes until around day 7
From what I understand that’s right about where you should be for ten days. I believe consistency is a huge factor when growing anything so your temps could mess with stuff. I cut N out of my ferts when I flipped because I know my soil has plenty. I kept my ppm just below 500 with just using P and K.


Well-Known Member
From what I understand that’s right about where you should be for ten days. I believe consistency is a huge factor when growing anything so your temps could mess with stuff. I cut N out of my ferts when I flipped because I know my soil has plenty. I kept my ppm just below 500 with just using P and K.
where i am at? or where you are at? i didn't cut N cause i wanted to experiment with using N during the stretch phase at a higher dosage still. i read if you switch to bloom nutes it is supposed to trick the plants to flowering faster so you basically get less stretch and they start to bloom at a faster rate then normal. idk if that is true though. so far my grow is going better then usual so can't complain but damn 10 days for that is pretty impressive imo.


Active Member
Day 38\Day 31


Pulled the tops over to try and get rid of the apical dominance. The plants have been staying short and bushy, hoping the other shoots will take off now and soon these things will be sailing along!

Right after these pictures were taken I watered them (now watering them on a daily basis). Fed 600ppm with a runoff of about 800, so that seems a little high right now, but hopefully will balance out.
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Well-Known Member
There chugging along! Look a bit puffy and droopy though. Not a coco grower but seems like a bit to much saturation to me.


Active Member
There chugging along! Look a bit puffy and droopy though. Not a coco grower but seems like a bit to much saturation to me.
Every where I read seems to say to water coco every think i should back off a bit? What i read was not to let it go dry at all because the salts will build up making the medium too hot.

I keep bending the shoots down allowing others to grow up to form more bud sights.

Was thinking about transplanting them this weekend into their 5 gal buckets, see roots at some holes on the sides.

Appreciate any advice, thanks!


Well-Known Member
I have no knowledge of coco but seems to wet if you ask me. Mineral salts build up because people let them build up. Heavy feed =heavy synthetic salt content in the medium, I see it soo much and people are always asking why there plants are sick? Why? because you’re overcharging the substrate with stuff plants can’t use.

If it were me I’d treat coco like clay pellets or lava rock and drip feed it.


Well-Known Member
I believe in up potting for the first stages. Small pot, root out , medium pot, root out, then plant in final pot. I am still learning but that is what works for me with photo period plants.


Active Member
I have no knowledge of coco but seems to wet if you ask me. Mineral salts build up because people let them build up. Heavy feed =heavy synthetic salt content in the medium, I see it soo much and people are always asking why there plants are sick? Why? because you’re overcharging the substrate with stuff plants can’t use.

If it were me I’d treat coco like clay pellets or lava rock and drip feed it.
Drip feed isn't an option for me, i just hand water.

I always hear 2 sides...some say don't overwater, let it dry a bit before water and others saying you can't overwater coco and hear of people watering as much as 3 times a day. It's hard to know what to go with. I'm definitely not good at diagnosing plants. ...i've been feeding about 6-700ppm and getting around the same for runoff.


Active Member
Day 46\39

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Pruned and transplanted (1gal>5gal), moved into my flower room (no not flowering yet, just using this space since it's bigger and empty).

Transition to blurple led for blue dream and diy led bulb fixture for chemdog. Other 2 plants are staying under t5.

I have never used LED before so i'm keeping 2 plants under t5 because i know what i can grow with those. Hoping the other lights out perform the t5 and i can just use 2 smaller led fixtures in the room (would love to get some nice quality leds at some point but that's not affordable at the moment).

If anyone has any suggestions about anything, always happy to hear feedback! Cheers!


Active Member
Looking good!
Thanks! Definitely curious to see how they flower under the different lights. They're different strains so of course it's not an accurate test but i've done about half a dozen grows under the t5s, so i think i'll still be able to judge which i prefer. As long as the others produce as much as the t5s, i'll be getting rid of the t5s and use them solely for veg.