New Grow CFL Grow Room. Pro Grow Pics!


Active Member
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yea ..ok i spent some time on the ill let the pic speake for me...

...please just dont tell me i shouldent have my clones in see-thru containers...cuz the fact is all them plants will be tossed in the trash after i clone the shit outta of um

p.s. the black photo is to show how much light is seen from outside the grow room and i know its dirty i havent clean it yet.


Well-Known Member
looking good, nice little setup you got there. Clonning box looks quite simple, didn't you put any ventilation ?


Well-Known Member
nice fluorescent setup DIY box. These look pretty good, buy I'm waiting to see someone take some 3 watt LEDs and build a grow cab with them in a DIY way, not by buying panels from Ebay. I like how an LED can have a lense put on it which focuses the beam and can cause the LEDs to get 36 inch penetration or more if enough of them are in an array with good lenses. Peace


Active Member
yea the clone box has no front face for ventilation lol, the hottest it ever got in there was like 96F and i wasent to worried, my leafs were fine cuz i spay 3 times a day, the more warm ur roots are better i heard so... not the first time u used this clone box. the 5 plants you see above were cloned in that. i should be good without proper ventilation.