new grow box need feedback


okay guys, this is the new setup. im new as a member to the website, but ive been browsing for a while. i got the idea for this box from this website. any feedback is GREATLY appreciated. this is my first grow ever. details listed below:eyesmoke:

4 60W CFLs
DWC hydroponic system.
seeds are being sprouted but havent been put in the net pots yet.
9in box fan

did a test run on the box and the temperature has stayed consistently at 74 degrees with fan on low. if needed to cool more can move fan to high. there is also a chimney allowing hot air to escape.

the seeds are as follows.

three seeds of Barneys Farm LSD.
two seeds of Roadrunner
one seed of Moby Dick

pictures are attatched.

**EDIT Only cost like 60 dollars to build the whole thing. also all the light that is coming through the box on the picture has since been fixed.



Looks good.

What are you using on the inside to reflect light?

i am using foil tape. i debated whether or not to use that or just paint it due to the temperature issue, but havent noticed any heat issues, and the lights will be far enough from the plant not to burn it.


bump. could really use some feedback. seeds are almost done sprouting. need to know if there is anything i should change before planting.


bump. could really use some feedback. seeds are almost done sprouting. need to know if there is anything i should change before planting.
Fix your light leaks. If light can get out, light can get in. Dont want any hermies now.


get yourself some 1"x1" rock wool cubes available at any hydro supply shop. put the seedlings into the cubes and then put the cubes into the clay pellets (rocks).

hope that was helpful. good luck!

okay i put them in the rocks. how long should they take to break the surface about?


Well-Known Member
It will work, I have done it, but you have to be careful that the root doesn't dry out on you. Spray it a few times a day with some water to keep the rocks moist, and the root should find its way through the rocks.


okay cool. that is basically what i was doing. i bought some packaging peanuts. the ones that look like figure-8s with the holes in them. could i use those to hold the root up while it grows through the rocks?


Well-Known Member
Lights leaks taken care of .,.check.,.,.,the seeds should take 24-72 hours to crack the surface imho.,.,.,at least mine did i have the same setup as ures over construction.,.only dif is im scrog'n .,.,.,.,will post pics when done just for comparison.,.,but your on the rite track,so lap em.,.,.,.,.forward


just a little worried. been in the water for 3 days now and arent an inch up the cups yet. moved from rocks to peanuts today to allow an easier route to top. water is clean and at right level. temperature inside box is almost perfect. and humidity is fine. just cant figure it out. any suggestions?


day 4. not much of anything changed today. still at the very bottom of the cups. just a tiny little leaf on every one of them. i would have thought they would have popped the top by now. roots are still getting bigger on the bottom.


guys i could really use some advice. the roots all look good but i am seeing no significant growth as far as the plant goes. little tiny leaves on some of them. but not much else. any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Give it time man. The roots take off first. The plant doesn't really start to grow until about the 3rd week. Then it's a mad dash to adult hood.


Well-Known Member
Yep, just keep spraying. Once the roots start sticking out the bottom of the netpot you can start adding nutes to the rez.