new grow box design for winter feedback?


Active Member
Hi, i live in the new England area, and it is now becoming winter. i have had a grow box made out of a filing cabinet, which i have been using since earlier this year and just harvested my bud. I'm planning on starting a new grow session this week, but the temperature is an issue. I currently have two 100 watt CFL's inside, with an exhaust fan. If i change one cfl out with a 150 watt incandescent bulb, would that provide the same if not more lumens than the replaced cfl, and produce heat for the winter (cfl's produce hardly any heat), without desecrating the quality/weight of my new harvest in comparison to using two cfls?
*also, any tips for keeping the temps up <cheap> without losing bud quality and weight??

Thanks alot guys:weed:


stays relevant.
Incandescent bulbs are not nearly as effective as the CFL equivalent. If you are looking to add heat, this will do it- but it certainly won't produce the same lumen output.


Well-Known Member
cfl's have 3x the lumens per watt as incandescent so you're giving up some light in return for the extra heat.


Active Member
thanks for the feedback. i relize im losing light and lumens by swapping an incandesent bulb for a cfl, but i dont think my babies will appreciate -10 degrees using the cfls lol. any tips for keeping the same light output as my cfl's and adding heat to the grow box?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the feedback. i relize im losing light and lumens by swapping an incandesent bulb for a cfl, but i dont think my babies will appreciate -10 degrees using the cfls lol. any tips for keeping the same light output as my cfl's and adding heat to the grow box?
replace your 150 with one 250 three way and turn it up as needed.


Well-Known Member
Put a 150 wat HPS in there. Spend the $50 US and do it right. Heat issues are gone and u will pull a lot denser buds!


Well-Known Member
i would just get a y fixture for around 2 us dollars and use both. i know in the u.s you can get them from home depot and lowes. and any hardware store. :) hope this helps.