New grow: Black Domina


Active Member
so im puttering in my flower room and am like whoa..

the RH has gone up 5 - from 35 to 40! Im trying to figure out whats different then i realize i have double the plants. i saw somewhere that they grow best in 45% RH so i added 2 more plants! so now ive got 11 plants in my tiny closet.

too many bitties in the closet..


Man they are looking great. Just curious about the pics from post #17. Is the difference in foliage color simply from some flash effect, or is that one lady so much darker?

Keep up the good grow.


Active Member
Man they are looking great. Just curious about the pics from post #17. Is the difference in foliage color simply from some flash effect, or is that one lady so much darker?

Keep up the good grow.
yes it is darker ive stopped N all together cause i though it was getting to much but its just the perfect phenotype.


Active Member
nice shit man ill be watching, scribed.
Ok so if you havent noticed my other thread around the indoor growing section im going to be away for the holidays. My camera is also on holidays so i dont have any pics. but i will have some up jan 3rd so be prepared for the near harvest shoot!

The black D looks so damn fine. the skunk is doing what it should. Im gonna do some cloning tonight for januarys grow and that will be about it until the 3rd.

Happy holidays everyone:leaf:


Active Member
Im upping the nutrients this watering:

45ml Pro Bloom
10ml Karma
5ml Molasses

(the karma and molasses is every other watering)

Il be at full strength instead of the 3/4 str ive been doing since week 3.

Im on week 5 as of yesterday.

I havent flushed the soil once but i always allow for runoff every other watering. Il do a 1-2 week flush next week on the black domina then the skunk will start the week after.

Things are looking great!