New girls going in


Hey all

Here we go.

Feel free to comment constructively as still unsure on a few things and would really appreciate all the help we can get!!!!!!!!!!!

Have put 20 girls down they are white rhino.

Have set up a 20 17ltr bucket recirculating system with three 70ltr tanks, although while the girls are small we won't be recirculating the water as we have had problems with swings in the past and still can't work out what it is that making them swing, so will just be running two tanks with a pump and a tank to catch run off from the reservoirs.

Medium we are using are Hydrotron clay balls

Using 4x 600w son t lamps.
Intake is running in through the ducted heating vents in the floor and have two carbon filters from Babylon Manufacturing Co, LTD as out take

Newts are Plantastic Grow and bloom, also Flair form PH up and down, canadian xpress Regen - a - root, potassium and headmaster.

Will be running on a 18hr cycle for veg to start with then moving to a 12hr for flower.

Water cycle for the girls is going to be twice a cycle for one minute as we have had heaps of trouble with water in the last two attempts. The girls got over watered, which lead to swings and that started a huge problem that we couldn't come back from, SO A LITTLE FREAKED OUT THIS TIME!!!!!!!

This is what root systems looked like before they went in, won't show you all as don't have enough room, but will show the good ones and the not so good.



Hey all

So a couple of days in and got a few things going on......

Forgot to mention that we are using a combo of R/O water and tap at 2/3 R/O to tap water.

The water seems to be swinging though leaving it on 6.0 and its swinging up to 7.5 over night. Have reduced the watering cycle to twice a cycle for a minute to try and combat this, we are watering on quarter strength newts.

The leaves on a few of the girls seem to be dropping a bit and some are turning a bit yellow..

These are a few different views



Hey dajosh

Didn't know that was possible

Is it the best way just to let the water sit for couple of days


Well-Known Member
Yeah, use an open container and let it sit for 24-48 hours, the the municipal waters chlorine content should evap in that time, which should help balance the pH.


Well-Known Member
HAPPY 420 TAILS!!!! I hope you have a great day my friend!!! A great SMOKE FILLED DAY!!! And if you have a spare moment in between puffs, check out my 420 thread and vote for what device you'll be using this 420!! And, if you have time, post a pic (or 10) of the weed(s) you'll be smoking and the devices you voted for on the poll!!! And above all HAVE A WONDERFUL 420 HOLIDAY!!!