New girl on the block

Hello all, I'm very new to this. I have a Indoor closet setup and about 3 weeks into the process. second guessing everything i do, but i guess that is to be expected on a first time bongsmilie I'm sure i will have lots of questions for you all soon!!


Well-Known Member
hi, im just a newbie myself, but long time grower. I no what it can be like to get around this site looking for help, so dont be shy and ask away!:bigjoint:



Active Member
Welcome aboard! Always glad to see another new grower. It's a lot of info to pick up on when you're starting out, but if you learn a bit at a time and treat your first grow or two as an experiment, you'll be growing beautiful plants and curing great bud before you know it. Cheers!
What you need to do is go to a bookstore like barnes and noble or hastings and get a problem fixing guide. There a a ton of these books but get one that has lots of detailed photos and how to remedy any situation from chemical imbalances to pest problems it helped me out more than anything


Well-Known Member
What you need to do is go to a bookstore like barnes and noble or hastings and get a problem fixing guide. There a a ton of these books but get one that has lots of detailed photos and how to remedy any situation from chemical imbalances to pest problems it helped me out more than anything
Why go to a bookstore when you have RIU???
hi newbie myself on my second and still second guess but the threads r really useful to easy yr mind just dont panic and all should go well


Well-Known Member
Second guessing yourself is probably the best thing you can do on your first grow. More often then not people rush into fixing things and screw it up even more.

Welcome to the community, I recommend reading a book as well as familiarizing yourself on RIU.


Welcome aboard! Always glad to see another new grower. It's a lot of info to pick up on when you're starting out, but if you learn a bit at a time and treat your first grow or two as an experiment, you'll be growing beautiful plants and curing great bud before you know it. Cheers!
Just had to say, I love the avatar Fire Owl. Soooo cool.


Well-Known Member

someone sees a girl posting and all the hounds come out to play!!

wazz cookin good lookin!!

i hope your as hot as I imagine you to be...

i was a newbie a couple months ago and yeah, this will become an addiction, lotz of cool ass people here, lotz of differnet forums, and plenty of helpful info...

good luck and happy growing.... :P


Elite Rolling Society
Are you grwoing in soil or hydro?

I do not give my money to drug lords, I grow my own!.

Welcome to RollitUp, a great place, the best place, to learn growing!

I hope you hang around and enjoy the site.

Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial - [URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""]Marijuana[/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL] Growing[/URL] < a great tutorial to learn if I must say so, myself.