New flower room have a few questions


Well-Known Member
Hello I am starting to build a new flower room 12' by 5' by 8'. I need a little help with intake and exhaust. I am running two thousand watt hydro farm 240v ballasts with air cooled hoods(6 in.) Inline fan ports. I purchased two terabloom six in inline fans. I'm going to cool the room with an AC window unit framed into the wall. My question is what's the best way to run. I thaught about blowing air in with one fan and exhausting out through the lights with other fan. However this will constantly keep the AC unit constantly running.? I believe. Or would it be best to run the Intake and exhaust separate from light cooling. I also have a inkbird temp controller for cooling and heating. Does anyone have any thaught on the best way to do this.
I closed the loop(on the inside of the room) of my lights- I used the outdoor air running through my cool tubes, too much outdoor stink. so I used the room air to cool the tubes, incorporating my indoor stink sock into that loop and relied on ac and outdoor air circulation, too expensive, then finally did away with cool tubes, sealed the room, open bulbs/no glass and never looked back . It solved every control issue I had. I suggest installing the biggest ac unit you can in the wall, shield all surfaces in the hole from moisture, and go inside the unit and seal up the styrofoam seams on the insulation.
If I read you correctly your saying I'm better off to use outside air to cool lights. And just use a AC unit for coolingand do a separate air intake with exhaust. maybe on a ten minute three hour cycle. For fresh air. I don't have to worry about smell I live in the sticks and it's a legal state.
If I read you correctly your saying I'm better off to use outside air to cool lights. And just use a AC unit for coolingand do a separate air intake with exhaust. maybe on a ten minute three hour cycle. For fresh air. I don't have to worry about smell I live in the sticks and it's a legal state.
Even if you live in the sticks and a legal state all it takes is one person to get a smell and the call is made. Here in colorado they have started sniffer tests

My suggestion would be to get a carbon filter on the end of the hoods so the air pulls through the filter then the hoods and outside have the fan close to the exhaust outlet.
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If I read you correctly your saying I'm better off to use outside air to cool lights. And just use a AC unit for coolingand do a separate air intake with exhaust. maybe on a ten minute three hour cycle. For fresh air. I don't have to worry about smell I live in the sticks and it's a legal state.

nah, I sealed mine for the best experience ever, cheaper to run than when I used outside air. the condensation and humidity killed me here, and the outdoor heat in the summer was damaging, I sealed it up and dont exchange any air now and its cheaper fo rme to control and I dont hear the ac/dehuey isnt running non stop since then.
You could have a point. I would think if it's legal to grow in your state then just someone smelling wouldn't be enough probable cause for a warrant. You can't smell the difference between a certain amount of plants. So I would think you'd really have to be on someones shit list to get messed with. But maybe I'm wrong.
I'm talking a whole separate system. Run the pipe through the wall into light then to the next light then out the other wall. Specifically to cool the lights. Then run a separate intake fan and exhaust for fresh air to the room.
Why exhaust the room if you are using an ac to cool it? You are just exhausting the cold air out. If you have a carbon filter and fan scrubbing the room and have an intake for 5 min every hour to refresh the co2 unless you want to get a tank and regulator and then just run a sealed room.
Not when you run the exhaust on a timer and fefresh the air every three hours. You people really need to read shit before you make comments.
Well I got the most of the framing done today and the floor insulated. Tomorrow I will hopefully have the walls sheathed and insulated. Electric is roughed in to a distribution center where I will hard wire all my fans and ballasts. Every heat source will be outside the room. Except the fan cooled hoods. Witch I plan on insulating and sealing them up air tight.IMG_20170415_161402646_HDR.jpgit was a son of a bitch digging this out. I ran into ledge twice. Smashed my fingers up good. But blood sweat and tears will equal harvests a many.