I'm so behind everyone. Mine are out in 3 raised-bed boxes, but are just little footers'.
My boxes are 4' x 4' x 2' high(with 8', 2x2's on each corner), and I started 3 strains I've never tried. Mandarin Sunset(Ethos), Amnesia(Seeds-Here-Now) and a clone of Tangerine Dream. I've only tried Tangerine Dream but not either Mandarin Sunset nor Amnesia.
I have the same one's growing indoors for flavor comparison along with MOB and Blue OG, which I grew last year outdoors in grow-bags. My last year was the first time I tried outdoor, or at-least, the first time I took it seriously, but was so bummed with the lousy Maine weather and I had lots of bud-rot to chop out of my beloved MOB! The Blue OG wasn't as bad, but still got much less yield than I anticipated.
I'll post pics once it turns into something to look at that's more than nice boxes. I've got 2 yards of loam, 1 yard of organic compost, rice hulls, neem seed meal, earthworm casting and a bale of pro-mix, some myco and blended all into these 3 boxes and topped with some Build-A-Soil, Craft Blend and a dash of diatomaceous earth(1/4 cup) for amendments! Then, add water for the life of the plant(well, re-top some amendments for flower)!
I added 2' of chicken wire to keep the small varmints and deer away. The woods in Maine has quite a few varmints!