New England outdoors 2017

Whatever it is its developing fast.

As of right now I have 1 female Double black x Sea Warp and lost 6 other s not yet sexed. , I have two candy train not yet showingse. 1female of ct or rum b x bt .1 female brain twister. One female hb x st, 3 Amherst SD.. And some HB x St, blue dream x seawarp, seaweed, brain twister, candy train, db x bt poison warp and R2.

I just cracked some maniac crack beans, poison warp, r2, and r2poison. Not sure how they will do this late but I'm pretty fucking confident the maniac crack can still kick some ass.
youll be surprised at what they will do ,you still got time
@thumper60 was so kind to get me some skidder trail pollen for me to hit this with. IMG_3841.JPGReally didn't think I would find one like this in this pack. I figured some good , so my timing with my poisonwarp are totally off to hit this with them. And me being an outdoor guy I got to get this girl hooked up with a great stable outdoor strain.i am cutting it very close with this ,there are just a few lowers that will take due to being so close to harvest
@thumper60 was so kind to get me some skidder trail pollen for me to hit this with. View attachment 3969378Really didn't think I would find one like this in this pack. I figured some good , so my timing with my poisonwarp are totally off to hit this with them. And me being an outdoor guy I got to get this girl hooked up with a great stable outdoor strain.i am cutting it very close with this ,there are just a few lowers that will take due to being so close to harvest
u r cutting it close hope it works,on its way
Happy to join the New England outdoor growers this year. Does anyone know if we should be taking measures against bud worms? Is that a problem that can arise for our location?
Happy to join the New England outdoor growers this year. Does anyone know if we should be taking measures against bud worms? Is that a problem that can arise for our location?
i had them for the first time last year and im pretty sure @thumper60 who has grown in the swamps for ever,said hes just started seeing them over the past couple seasons.i know its not feasible for a lot of growers,but i put up a damn,old school bug zapper well away from the garden, in hopes to kill the moths that lay the eggs that turn into worms.i only found a few actual worms throughout my season,i checked every am/pm like D's but its damn shocking to find them,no doubt.they stick out pretty other trick is lavender,thats a natural deterrent to those moths.i planted a window box full between my plants.infeasible for guerilla grows,though.
i had them for the first time last year and im pretty sure @thumper60 who has grown in the swamps for ever,said hes just started seeing them over the past couple seasons.i know its not feasible for a lot of growers,but i put up a damn,old school bug zapper well away from the garden, in hopes to kill the moths that lay the eggs that turn into worms.i only found a few actual worms throughout my season,i checked every am/pm like D's but its damn shocking to find them,no doubt.they stick out pretty other trick is lavender,thats a natural deterrent to those moths.i planted a window box full between my plants.infeasible for guerilla grows,though.
I haven't seen any moths flying yet,any time now I handpick an use bt if real bad,i get a lot of cabbage moth in veggie garden, we will c this yr if they like weed plants,i never had them in swamps until the last few yrs,something changed back in the 90s I never seen or had budrot early mid 2000s got first case been worst each yr since some thing is changing
Had an big set back happen, I lost almost an entire patch of plants from fricken slugs. Had 6 plants, a mixture of skidders, 2-warp, and two amnesia haze autoflowers. They literally turned the plant so into a limp dead plant. I pulled slugs off of one that was looking super healthy but the part of the stem they made it up is super thin. Don't know if it will make it. It really sucks but the season will go on. I just popped the rest of my seed stock left over from @thumper60 (thanks buddy). I was planning on saving them for next year but hopefully I'll be able to make some seeds this year and will be all set.
That's why at I get for growing in a swamp for the first time. I'll be buying a bag of sand and line the bottom around the grow bag. Also will find some copper pads or wire to wrap at the base of the stem
We need a East coast BBQ gathering. Now that we have some a legal states it looks like we could have a Cookout. I was always jealous seeing the past events out there on the west coast. This forum has some really good people I'd like to crack a cold beer with.
i got the lobsters for the bbq haha ive been thinking of a harvest fest here on the island for years now or mid state like around thumpers cave lol
That's why at I get for growing in a swamp for the first time. I'll be buying a bag of sand and line the bottom around the grow bag. Also will find some copper pads or wire to wrap at the base of the stem
swamps can be tricky if its a new place slugs can total out a patch quick ive had it done before now i use slug dope and put a big ring right around the grow bag and they dont cross the pile without getting killed
I have been wiped out before with slugs.not all my patches get affected though and not every year either. I have found anything under 18 inches especially 12 or less are prime candidates for the slugs
We need a East coast BBQ gathering. Now that we have some a legal states it looks like we could have a Cookout. I was always jealous seeing the past events out there on the west coast. This forum has some really good people I'd like to crack a cold beer with.
i got the lobsters for the bbq haha ive been thinking of a harvest fest here on the island for years now or mid state like around thumpers cave lol
Hell yeah,this topic has been brought up a couple times but due to the state laws was hard to find a good safe location for that times are changing we really should. Maybe just over the bridge in southern Maine.