New England outdoors 2016


Well-Known Member
Is that white string to deter the deer? I have been using standard fencing but would like to know if your method works because it would be much easier for one of my spots. They're looking good so far. Good luck with the rest of the season.
It is, have heard that they don't like things touching their neck etc. when feeding. Don't
really have a problem where I'm at but one year they came through and did some damage.


Well-Known Member
Wow my girlfriend is from New England and its great to see the different grow conditions as Im growing outdoors

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
How's that getaway special doing Marco? I have one flowering from getaway but no idea what it is because I lost the label, it started flowering for about three weeks and now stopped, and has done not much these last two weeks.. anyway I hit it with seawarp pollen


Well-Known Member
same thing bx just black bags made for geurilla growers ??
for some reason the bales all white around here,except the orange ones at lowes what u do buy a load right from promix,i always want to just didn't want trailor truck full of bales stopped at my houseLOL


Well-Known Member
How's that getaway special doing Marco? I have one flowering from getaway but no idea what it is because I lost the label, it started flowering for about three weeks and now stopped, and has done not much these last two weeks.. anyway I hit it with seawarp pollen
Haha. I have a few that I lost labels too. Always screw a few up. Here's one gtm special that didn't go into flower,stalled a bit at first but going good nowimage.jpeg