New England Growing

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Damn look at all the southern maine growers im glad we be getting represented. Damn fine weather right now but i hear we might even be getting snow next week. One of my friends put his plants out last year way too early about a week before 420 and we got hit with a light frost and they died. I'd say mid may is when mine are going out. I'm also working on a soil right now which is an improved version of vics super soil to grow my babes in this year.


Active Member
Is there a name for such beautiful early spring weather, like the Indian summer in fall???


yeah chronic im in same area. i got my girls inside under some cfls getting ready for outdoors


here in VT, we were still getting frosts during the first couple weeks of June


Well-Known Member
My 15 years of outdoor experience in Maine and Mass says wait until June 1. But that's only if you want happy, flourishing plants with a high yield of dense buds. If you prefer to put them out early, for some strange reason, you can expect a shitty grow. The plants will stop growing in the cold ground, and then take a long ti me to get going again when the ground gets warm. Few will deliver their full potential and many will remain stunted or weak. Leave them in to veg where they are warm and happy for a couple of weeks more, what the fuck.

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
My 15 years of outdoor experience in Maine and Mass says wait until June 1. But that's only if you want happy, flourishing plants with a high yield of dense buds. If you prefer to put them out early, for some strange reason, you can expect a shitty grow. The plants will stop growing in the cold ground, and then take a long ti me to get going again when the ground gets warm. Few will deliver their full potential and many will remain stunted or weak. Leave them in to veg where they are warm and happy for a couple of weeks more, what the fuck.
Though its probably safer your way, I just think mid may is the best the 2 weeks of outdoor sun just makes the difference.


Well-Known Member
new england grower here too... was like 70 today! anyway this year im going to veg my plants indoors for a few weeks or so before i put em out... last year i put them out in early april and the weather wasn't too great ( just average daily temps, wind or clouds on some days, or frosts) this year i think ill wait till at least 4/20 then go from there since the weather has been beautiful lately.... goodluck all


Well-Known Member
this is a concern ive been having with an outdoor grow. pollen can travel miles and it only takes a little bit to turn a good crop into shit. how can i prevent this with all the novice outdoor growers out there that i know wont be pulling there males on time?


reppin VT, got my front flip 360 on a snowboard down during the US Open :bigjoint: hopin for it to be a good season its my first :D


i have the same worrie kaleo, but don't worry! ill stomp my males into the ground and soon as i see them sacs


Well-Known Member
no milla dont do that. pull the plant and immediately put it in a trashbag. or put a trashbag over it then pull the plant, tie it off and you can stomp on it. if you stomp it youll burst a pollen sack and well have seeded plants for miles


Active Member
Southern Maine here i could not even imagine that anyone putting their girls out right now here the weather is so unpredictible crazy im going to try and wait untill late may june trying to find a couple more clones also but the weather has been craz nice up here

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Just snowed last night and during the day some just to show you how wild it is it was 70 something the other day. Also I am probably going to ordering church for one of my strains for the upcoming season along with lemon skunk and white rhino from greenhouse and LSD and red diesel from barneys.


im southern maine... in the sticks. take a peak at my thread