new elder scrolls game


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i have only played oblevion so i was wondering if morrowind would be worth buying while i wait for the new game


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hey you know skyrim is actually gonna be a direct sequel to oblivion... its in the end of the year though and we will all probably be addicted to geras of war 3 by then :P


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Im geeked for the game, not so much for the wait...... 11-11-11???? i mean com'on it's been, what, 3-4 years since Oblivion came out. WTF have u been doing Bethesda!!!!!


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it is quite awsome man but if you played oblivion already the graphics there are better... the world size is quite impressive though so if you find it cheap go for it its a great game


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It was on the original xbox and l like it more mainly because I could get around a lot easier,I'm not really a fan of the walk everywhere at first take oblivion has. If you like the Elder scrolls games and you've never played it then yes its a great buy.


Active Member
Im playin fallout new vegas's a great game, but i gotta say i wasn't expecting the same amount of wasteland as was in Fallout 3. i was thinking there would be many more preserved cities in this one.....FUCK THE WASTELAND!!!!!!!


Active Member
nope never played it
wow bro so seriously FUCK morrorwind PLAY fallout 3. its the same maker (bethesda), same open world type RPG (HUGE PLACE) and a little better graphics with an amazing plot that could keep you playing for hours without realizing you need food or drink, sleep or toilet... i would say it falls in the same line with oblivion if not better.