New DWC (ish) grow


Active Member
Hey guys first time grow here, Made this setup after doing a decent amount of research. Now keep in mind I dont smoke but my old lady does.
Here are some pics of them at 15 days



Active Member
Had one mishap 2 days ago, had a plant that was a good 2 inches taller than the other 5 fall over. No idea the cause, looked at her the night before and she looked great and then the next day my fiance texts me and says it fell over, she staked it and it looks good now but check the pics and see if anyone can tell me whats goin on.



Well-Known Member
almost looks like something growing on it and eating at it. Or an Embolism maybe?

I'm no pro but something definitely happened to that stalk. Keep her propped and see what happens! Keep any eye out for signs of any def. issues on the leaves!


Active Member
Her leaves look great, they perked right back up and new leaf growth looks good on her. Im hoping she just heals up