New DISCOVERY! Vertical SoG most efficient way to grow weed with latest LEDS !??

Ok back to work I go let me know if you want me to tag you in the sketch update or idk if it automatically updates you or how it works lol preciate all the very informative and helpful opinions & thanks @Randomblame for being the #1 guy to go to for LED information


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@Randomblame .. basically to sum it up, to cover a 5x5 space I'll need 675w regardless of if I get 40 or 80 strips?? I was under the impression the more strips the less wattage needed for some odd reason lol .. then there's no real significance of getting double YES the efficiency increases but I still need 675w and it might increase yields like what 10%?? 40 strips vs 80 lol??
@Randomblame Sorry didn't realize how many watts per sqft 675 actually was in a 5x5 lol 27 is damn efficient if the light can produce 50g/sqft..
So your saying that's with 80 strips right not with 40???
I still think your cramming it to tight height wise. Plus your really putting the cart before the horse with your measurements. You should have your strain determine your heights not just guess.

Just a question have you grown on this scale before?
@Sparky123 I have seen lots of microgrows with vertical distance between top of medium & right under the light less than 24" but yess the training was there including nets & I'm sure strain helped too. If we look at your pics, those pretty buds are not tied down or really fighting for space in there on top of that you said they don't grow higher than 24" max with a more stretchy hybrid so I do think I'm mathematically able to cram 3 NO it won't be pretty YES I may shave some inches out of each canopy depth.. but he'll I have 3 instead of 2 so that kind of makes up for any inch loss (didn't calculate wheels or spacing between each rack.. shouldn't be much really)
@Sparky123 I have seen lots of microgrows with vertical distance between top of medium & right under the light less than 24" but yess the training was there including nets & I'm sure strain helped too. If we look at your pics, those pretty buds are not tied down or really fighting for space in there on top of that you said they don't grow higher than 24" max with a more stretchy hybrid so I do think I'm mathematically able to cram 3 NO it won't be pretty YES I may shave some inches out of each canopy depth.. but he'll I have 3 instead of 2 so that kind of makes up for any inch loss (didn't calculate wheels or spacing between each rack.. shouldn't be much really)

Thats definitely an ok way to look at it. Adding the whole extra tray I'm sure would more then make up for keeping the plants real small.
@Randomblame .. basically to sum it up, to cover a 5x5 space I'll need 675w regardless of if I get 40 or 80 strips?? I was under the impression the more strips the less wattage needed for some odd reason lol .. then there's no real significance of getting double YES the efficiency increases but I still need 675w and it might increase yields like what 10%?? 40 strips vs 80 lol??

You could use an HLG-600H-54B for two 2x 5' trays. Each tray covered by 20 or 40 strips depending on the efficiency level you want to reach. Each 20 strips mounted on an alli frame to cover one tray with ~300-335w. Wall watt depends a bit one the driver because their max current is a bit different. But minimum should be +600w.

The difference in yield is marginal maybe 1-2%. The difference between 2,9 and 2,8μMol/J is 3,4% so in the best case you would get 3,4% more. But higher efficiency means always lower forward voltage. The voltage with 40 strips would be ~0,5v lower at 300mA. 50v x 13A would be 650w, 49,5v x 13A would be only 643,5w. That means the efficiency gain is always splitted in more light on one side and less power consumption on the other side.
That means with 40 strips per tray you would see between 1-2% more light(yield) and between 1-2% less power usage.
2,8μMol/J is already to notch in my book. My own fixture is just one year old and reach maybe 2,6μMol/J, with 2,5 I would still be really happy. Compared to the 1,9μMol/J you would get from CMH that's already a huge improvement.
And low driven LED strips are predestinated for your stacked tray system. The only issue I see is with stretchy sativas but there are so many strains out there you could still use you would need hundreds of trays to try them all in one life time.

Unfortunately my cab has only 66" height and thats not enough for two trays incl. res but I will maybe create something like a sun cloak next to make as much usage of the available height as possible. These LED stuff makes addicted pretty fast, bro. Every 2 years I want something new and the "old" light gets sold. But a good LED light pays themself pretty fast so there is no loss. Even one year is enough. Growers switching from HPS to LED's have the costs back in within the 1st two runs just because of up to 50% more yield. And you stacked system uses the available area to a maximum. With the right strains you can expect up to 500g regulary per 300-335w tray.
Good luck I’ve been wanting to see a sog stacked under LED.

Hey why don’t you really push the limits of LED and add CO2, deep reds for Emerson effect and UV to really fuck shit up

Its easy to overdo far and deep reds. Plants will stretch like hell. Ask me how I know ....:lol:

It would be difficult to add UV in such a tight space without burning the plants or sacraficing the space.
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. And you stacked system uses the available area to a maximum. With the right strains you can expect up to 500g regulary per 300-335w tray.
Mad respect for your growing skills and technical knowledge bro but I gotta call you out on that yield claim.
I don't know what varieties some of you guys in other parts of the world are growing, but here where I am (think Humbolt Cali) the strains people are wanting to smoke on do not produce yields like that. And most are leggy, stretch, unruly girls that would surely not perform in such a low ceiling height situation.
Would love to see what you can do with a cut of some of the "clone only" Cali goodness.

But who knows, maybe a SOG of Big Bud is just what his market is after o_O :peace:
I used to run a white widow crossed with big bud. Didn’t do any breeding as that pheno was gifted to me. Yielded nice and was fairly potent. The SOG just allowed for easy perpetual across more then 1 tray
Sorry guys been very busy the horizontal stacks are scrap lol.. as even though this thing stands at 9ft I would truly only have like 4-5 ft of canopy when u factor in other specs.. I truly have to build some PVC pipe and have the canopy wrap around each vertical light from ceiling to ground to TRULY maximize space.. here comes another drawing lol @OneHitDone @Sparky123 @Thundercat @Randomblame @jarvild @T-Time @coreywebster

Soo @random if I get a 8ft square aluminum and paste strips on all 4 sides I think I'll be the first to Post a vertical LED strip light would it be better squared or like octogon shape??