New Discovery... Life On Other Planets In Our Galaxy??

Both of you guys are hurting my head and making me frown... :(

I'm on my lunch break right now, come back tonight or tomorrow and I'll have some answers for you both...
.....pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'cause there's bugger all down here on earth.


sorry, it just had to be done.
You should take your own advice. Start with the fantastical claims about the Dogon people.

Einstein also did not mean to say that nothing can travel beyond the speed of light. This is a common misperception, we simply use the speed of light as our measuring stick for all things. Simply put, how can anything we measure reach beyond our chosen instrument/tool used for measurement?

The human body is the ultimate measuring stick; mindphuck on that one for a while.
And add some of your own words next time you care to inteject something negative into a thread; instead of pasting a 1982 paper ball of bullshit no one wants to waste their time reading...
The end of it sums it up well, by saying they have no fucking clue...
i hope aliens come and try to take over because everyone in the world would have to become friends and will stop fighting each other and all the countries will have something in common, we all hate aliens
And add some of your own words next time you care to inteject something negative into a thread; instead of pasting a 1982 paper ball of bullshit no one wants to waste their time reading...
The end of it sums it up well, by saying they have no fucking clue...

Couldn't put it better my self
Einstein also did not mean to say that nothing can travel beyond the speed of light. This is a common misperception, we simply use the speed of light as our measuring stick for all things. Simply put, how can anything we measure reach beyond our chosen instrument/tool used for measurement?

The human body is the ultimate measuring stick; mindphuck on that one for a while.
And add some of your own words next time you care to inteject something negative into a thread; instead of pasting a 1982 paper ball of bullshit no one wants to waste their time reading...
The end of it sums it up well, by saying they have no fucking clue...
Regardless of what you think Einstein said, physics says that nothing in this universe that carries information can propagate faster than c, the maximum speed of light in a vacuum.

As for posting a link, the argument against the claim that the Dogon's had special knowledge is long and varied. I did not think it was appropriate to post a lengthy diatribe detailing the misconceptions about your assertion that they knew about the properties of Sirius B before contact with Europeans.

It is pretty ironic you lambaste me for posting a link to an article when your evidence was a 9 minute long video rather than "your own words."

It appears you are the king of double standards.
The speed of light, is simply what it is, the speed of light. Nothing more, and nothing less.

If you close your own doors, and collapse your wave function by defining something that didnt need to be so tightly defined, you have just confined yourself to within the physical constructs of that said logic. Create your own box if you must...

I read many books, and experience many things your sciences cannot explain. One book that goes into greater detail on the dogons was this book which is about sacred geometry primarily, with a lot of other shit modern man and physics doesnt exactly explain very well, or accurately at all for that matter. As a matter of fact, the symbol of the flower of life has been found in/near many pyramids, and in some cases, it is the only writing/symbol in the entire structure; go figure...
Stick with science, and you are stuck with science.
If you are tired of the science of man-madeup shit, start with that book and see where it leads you.
i hope aliens come and try to take over because everyone in the world would have to become friends and will stop fighting each other and all the countries will have something in common, we all hate aliens

...and Will Smith could star in the movie!
Listen little sparky, you are guilty of exactly the same crime your accusing every scientist in the world of, your putting to much value on something. In your case it seems to be language. Well it turns out science is a language as well, it uses mathematics primarily. What a language seeks to accomplish is quantify the world and a means for its communication to others. Words are cumbersome, they evoke emotions, not very streamlined, and open to a wide array of interpretation. But numbers, they compound eachother, the use of symbols and asides creates a very consistent and identifiable language if one takes time to understand it.

From what I have researched of the dogon tribe it seems to be exactly how James Orberg points out, they were absorbed into traditional mythology after they were heard from outsiders.

As for the speed of light we know it CAN be surpassed. Non-locality experiments have shown this nearly conclusively. But how and why is probably a mystery to everyone except about 4 people on the earth.

The Planck scale is what interests me, it is the most accurate a person can get using quantifying calculation. Whether it be a watch, or a super computer the planck decimal remain elusive.

i want some of your weed
Listen little sparky, you are guilty of exactly the same crime your accusing every scientist in the world of, your putting to much value on something. In your case it seems to be language. Well it turns out science is a language as well, it uses mathematics primarily. What a language seeks to accomplish is quantify the world and a means for its communication to others. Words are cumbersome, they evoke emotions, not very streamlined, and open to a wide array of interpretation. But numbers, they compound eachother, the use of symbols and asides creates a very consistent and identifiable language if one takes time to understand it.

From what I have researched of the dogon tribe it seems to be exactly how James Orberg points out, they were absorbed into traditional mythology after they were heard from outsiders.

As for the speed of light we know it CAN be surpassed. Non-locality experiments have shown this nearly conclusively. But how and why is probably a mystery to everyone except about 4 people on the earth.

The Planck scale is what interests me, it is the most accurate a person can get using quantifying calculation. Whether it be a watch, or a super computer the planck decimal remain elusive.

wouldnt it be nice if they did find out there was life on other planets, then people could stop thinking of each other as brown white yellow black and just think of each other as HUMAN