New Dig.Ball problems. Need HELP Now!!


Well-Known Member
Hello All,
I just got my unit a 600w hps/mh Dig. Ball. system. I put everything togeter the way the directions say to. But when I plug the unit to the GFI the protector in the GFI pops the unit off. What might be the problem/what should I do???

The info. on the unit states that the ball. Operates on Standard Household Current AND 240 volt with NO SPECIAL WIRING NEEDED - it AUTOMATICALLY ADJUSTS between 90-277 volts! Plugs into a STANDARD HOUSEHOLD OUTLET.
So what the fu*K:evil::evil::evil:
Not that i really know for sure as i have never used one but it sounds like the unit is switching itself of because it is either faulty in some way or there is a bad connection somewhere.
I know it sounds dumb but are you sure you have screwed the bulb in properly?
If you have i would recommend sending it back or at least phoning them up first.
The first time I didn't put the bulb in, then I put it in and it did the same thing. The bulb came on for like 2 sec. How hard is it to but the bulb in. Is there some trick or something. After cooling down abit I think it could be the GFI/or the Ball. Maybe the GFI is bad. Maybe the load is to much on the GFI. I have plug other lights and fans with this GFI.

Do I have to have a GFI? I know it will best to have it.
Have you tried any other high voltage products with the gfi?
Have you plugged many different things into the gfi all at once?
Does the light work without the circuit breaker/gfi?
2 things to try here as its mostly the outlet as unless you added a heavy load outlet the surge from the ballast wil pop it everytime. Let the outlet pop once but leave the ballast plugged in wait about 5 minutes then press the outlet reset on the outlet see if it pops again or stays on.If not try a different outlet with out the built in protector to make sure the light comes on. If this outlet pops ate the breaker box makes sure there nothing else running on it as depending on how old the place is you have to have correct guage wiring to handle certain amounts of amps. Like my 1000 watt light pop breakers on certain outlets that maybe have a tv or light on then else where.
I just hooked the GFI up yesterday, I have done this many times no issues with that.
The only thing that I have hooked up is the power/protector strip/surge prot. I had 6 (27w) 100w cfl to one plug, A 65w flood flor.system, and two fans.
I have not had any other high powered unit hooked in this new outlet.
I have not tried any other outlet yet, the unit is all installed in my grow area and I wanted to see my options first.
I guess I can run a extention cord to the area and see.
I will let you know.
Thats the best way to see.Also make sure the muti strip is a high rated one and not a cheaper wal mart one as it can catch fire with these higher wattage lights makes ure its amp rated and voltage secure. They sell them at Homedepot $13-78 depending on the load your putting in them
alright, so I went and pluged it to a extention cord and the unit comes on fine.(not in the GFI) Its been on for about 3 mins now. I don't get it?? The GFI shouldn't have popped that easy. Fu*king piece of sh*t.
I still see orange spots. Wow-:)
This is not my baby cfls that I have been using. I will miss them:(
In 3 days you wont wanna see a cfl lol and after harvest you will spit on cfls.The GFI load limit is weak hairdryers pop them when they serge and they arnt even a heavy load maybe 2 amps. Youd have to get a commercial grade high amp cfi to use it
I want to start a Journal, do I just type in Journal to do this?
My eyes still hurt. JUST DON'T LOOK IN THE LIGHT....
LOL yeah just go to journels and make a thread just like this and then keep updateing it with how its going what your using and what day it is.Good luck and get your shades..
Hey FF.

A little info first.
2 plants in soil-1gal
600w dia ball hps
closet -3x5x2 no doors at this time. flat white walls.
small fans x 2
flow 12/12

ok, now thats out of the way.
After puting this in the temp went from 78F to 107F(8inchs) from the bulb-hot.
Do I need to put something to protect any of the other units, the walls of the closet, the power strip, the ball, the cords... ect. I don't want to burn down anything. no not a good idea.

The reflector is really hot aswell. I was thinking of puting a water heater blanket of some kind of fire/heat pad.

I didn't think this was going to get this hot.

I have read the entire growF&Q, but I think it will help talking to someone that can give advise from doing. Trial and error type of thing.

Here are some pics. if you thing I should put things differently just say the word.


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The light is pretty high but that may just beacuse your taking pictures. Anywyas do the hand test palm at plants top back of hand faceing light and lower til the back of your hand is just uncomfortably hot. Put a fan blowing on your plants tops so it blows excess heat from between the lights and plants out of the way and it ll rise.If you can add a 4 inch inline fan in the ceiling itno the attic you can vent alot of heat out of thier like that let it run all day costs about $24 at homdepot just trace the cylinder and cut just inside the outline and shove it in and plug it up.if you wanted you could also go to the dolar store and buy some rolls of polywrap gift wrap paper. Its shiny colored paper but the back is plain silver mylar would add a light post to walls and put some under plants to up light lower stuff costs a $1 a roll.If you can get some 3 gallon pots they cost about $2 max and will give you bettter growth and yield as roots can ahve more room.If you dont have doors and not gonna worry about company going inthere you can get a roll of 3 mil black plastic at homedepot and a stick on zipper.Just staple the plastic over the whole closet opening peel the sticky tape off the zipper stick it on the plastic then unzip it and take a razor right down the middle instant door.MAybe this helps.Also may look into adding a cool tube it slides over the bulb and then you hook to vent lines on it with a fan on 1 side and the other out of the room so you blow the heat out of the room and the bulb stays cools.
Ok LoganSmith, let me start by saying I hate GFIs. But, here is what I figure. You need to check to make sure you have a real earth-ground. You can buy a ground-fault tester for about $5 at a big box store. It looks like a plug that goes into the recepticle. In this case your GFI wall recepticle. If it shows an open earth-ground you need to run a wire from the green ground lug back to a cold water pipe and clamp it on to a grounding clip. Also, check to make sure all your wires are under tight screws. Sometimes a screw comes loose and will foul things. If all else fails, toss the GFI and buy another. Make sure it was produced in a country with a name you can pronounce. GE, Phillips, Westinghouse, or any other "name brand" is also important. But my bet is that the GFI is junk or you have a loose (open) earth-ground.
Hey FF,
That helps, I was thinking about the fan into the ceil. I just ordered a pyrex easy round I should have it in 2 wks. I have been looking for the xmas wrap for a wk and can't find it. I will try the $1 store tomm. I have been thinking about replanting them, so Ill do that as well. I have also been looking for the tarp zip-up but I can't find that aswell, I can get it on line but who wants to wait 2 wks. and pay for shipping?
I also have a window with in 12in from the closet, I can air in and air out.
Thxs for all your help.
Oh, who is that in the pic. I see pics on different threds and wonder???
Hey 131313,
Ya, the house is old. The don't have romx or a ground. Thats why I hooked the GFI. I don't think the GFI is named brand. I have used them in the past to hook up washer/dryer.
The GFI not being ground shouldn't cause the unit not to work, I think just like someone else said if a hair dryer pops them,well there you go. The GFI is just doing its job and trying to protect a neg. outcome. The fact the GFI is a piece of shit, well that a different story.
Good times, high times, its all rolled the same, just smoke it B:)
Do I have to worry about the walls egniting on fire? Sound stupid when I ask but better safe then sorry.