
New Member
Forgive my ignorance of this Ganesha... I have heard of Ganesh... as in the Hindhu god... is Ganesha something different, the same, or do I just have it all wrong?


Well-Known Member
I read sidarther... and I was well n my way to inlightenment... but than I fell asaleep :(


Well-Known Member
ganesha the dude with all the arms and shit??he can hold like 6 joint a lighter and a bong!! so i guess hes cool ...i guess?


Well-Known Member
if it was my "fellow"... he wouldn't be held like that.
and of course its a pipe..... stoner.
lol ok just making sure, how do you have the nerve to call me a stoner! jk but seriously thats like me calling my white freind whity or caucasion, " hey white boy, lets chill"

anyways wheres my free dvd!! but seriously how long does will this contest go on?
i want to learn, i am a newb with intentions of begining reall soon and a growing dvd would be great to pick up on some knowledge


Well-Known Member
lol your funny because i typed out that word and backspaced it twice. haha
well im sry then. but i would have taken it as a compliment... i like stoners :)


Active Member
Great pictures, and layout. I think a red background may be more striking? I like red!


Well-Known Member
Libraries and blockbusters are stealing movies and books all the time!!! if it wasn't for them people would have to buy videos. and books... but does blockbuster pay the movie people for letting 1000 people watch one copy of a movie... ... I dont know do they?


Well-Known Member
Yes, all video stores pay licensing fees. They cannot just run out to Target and buy their movies at "bargain prices". If you look at the beginning of almost any movie, there is a big warning about exhibiting the medium for profit, and I don't think they would overlook a company like Blockbuster, who is posting quarterly profits in the tens of millions of dollars taking advantage of them. The fees tend to be higher on new releases, or movies that have a large continuous following.

And Libraries do not operate for profit. There is no evil old man named Thomas Horatius Library out there that is picking up big late fee dividends and polishing his bejeweled monacles. They are a public service, and most of their funding comes from taxes. They also get much of their money and many of their books from donations.

Downloading from torrents is sharing media that are not yours. I don't care if anyone does it and steals from the big corporations, as they will only inevitably find a way to make their media profitable again. Just don't come bitching 10 years from now when the majority of films that come out revolve around things like taking a journey around the world to find the coldest Mountain Dew.

Bottom line, GK is a friend at this forum, and unless he says "Hey guys, I want to share this with you, here's the torrent and written legal consent", or just one or the other; you are pretty much putting your balls in his mouth.


P.S. tckfui, only the first two parts are for you. The third is for anyone that is actively trying to screw GK. I don't want you to think that because I adressed the questions in your post that I was directing it all at you.


Well-Known Member
cool thanks for the info. I aalways though that they must pay some sort of fee... but with libraries... well lets take harry potter for example since billions of copies are sold... so.. each library buys 5 and 25 people read each copy... when if there were no libraries these people would have to buy this book.


Well-Known Member
Conversely, although a publisher (Or author, but they are not usually so profit minded) may not be seeing the quick buck when it comes to Libraries, and the loss of revenue associated with them, they are much more likely to make more money in the long run due to them. Book publishing has taken quite a hit in the last hundred or so years. Although literacy figures are incredible compared to what they were, and the modern economy permits many small luxuries to the common man; media other than print bombard the average person every day. Technology, be it the advent of radio, television, internet, or the motion picture, has afforded all people to a choice in entertainment; and we have travelled far from the days of people camping out in New York Harbor awaiting the arrival of the next chapter or a serial-printed Dickens novel. Now, publishers are delighted to see people going into libraries, as those people are readying themselves to be consumers of the printed medium. Chances are, they will buy books as well.

You could argue that the same effect would take place in all other media, and that file sharing will only grow the awareness of other media. The only difference is-- those media are in fashion. If movies went out of style in light of the advent of a new competing medium, they will be giving away plenty of free samples as well-- anything to get you back on the junk. It is the same reason that you can go on the internet and download free mp3s of all the garage bands you care to ever hear; but, if you want the new Justin Timberlake single, you better pony up some cash.

Besides, I would just like to say, and I don't think this idea is terribly controversial-- Literacy is good.


P.S. GK, I am sorry for all of this jacking of your thread. I promise that any further discussion on this matter, or anything not pertaining to SeeMoreBuds will be put on another forum.

P.P.S. If you are reading this, have you commented on the YouTube SeeMoreBuds trailer yet?? Go NOW!


Active Member
i found a nice piece of bamboo at work today so am making a piece pipe/ about 2inches round tapering down. its my meditation toking and making things in the shed, this stuff grows everywhere. might make a couple for my mates. PS:watching the full dvd while puffing on my peace pipe, that would be inspirational stuff. especially the hole in the floor, i love that bit