NEW Closet Set Up for L.E.D. Stealth Grow

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wow! really nice setup! ;) I can't do nothing but admire your aesthetic sense. I try to do the same on a smaller scale, also switching on LED's for obvious reasons - no more excessive heat, no more exploding light bulbs, less money on bills, etc.
Suggestion: I managed to make the rooms (more) lightproof by adding on the vent grills (passive intake & between rooms) black cooker hood filter. I just stuffed it in 2-3 layers until the light dissapeared so now all the vent grills are completely "passive"
I'm not waiting for results, for I know you'll do just great! ;) Good luck!
Look how that guy did:

thanks for the tip on the hood filter. I was thinking something just like that and asking a buddy at McDonalds to hook me up with something but he had no idea what i was talking about. I'm sure I can find something at Lowes that will kill some of the light.

Don't forget, the moon and other man made sources leak light into the night sky and outdoors still does fine with that much light. I know the goal is to not risk any, but reasonable people realize it's not always possible to kill it 100%. I will however look into that, I don't want my feminized seeds to go all Hermey on me.
This is a small update, no pics really, I figured everyone here has seen first leaves before. I germinated 5 of the seeds in peat pellets and 3 are sprung and now in the nursery under Flouro's and a dome. I'm crossing fingers for the other two, as I really want a nice selection to choose a mom plant from.

I have mixed some Big Bloom, about half the recommended strength, to spray and feed the seedlings. This should aid in root growth.

As for the design of the closet, I'm nearly finished. Last LED panel is on way. I need to get some ventilated shelving so I can store my goodies in the closet, such as nutes, spray bottles, trays and domes, etc.... Should also make a nice bud dryer.

I just wanted to post this for those that have sub'ed this thread, to let them know the grow is still on, just waiting on mother nature now.

I'll post some pics in about a week and see where we are.
Thanks for the kind words, but if you are not going to go with quality LED's, please get CFL's or Flouro's instead. I would hate to see another LED trash post simply because the LEDs came from Sesame Street. I'm doing this grow and hoping to have something to hush up the 1000w hot closet growers.

Haha, I like that.. Sesame Street.. But no, I am not one of those people. I already KNOW the potential LED growing has. My cab now is a small scale experiment and I will be putting 2 high watt cfl grow lights in the flower room and probably add one to the veg room.. If all this works out decently, I'm going to upscale to a wardrobe type cab so I have more vertical room, and I'm going to line the cab in custom array of leds I'll wire myself.

PS, not to bring this back up.. but Narcotic choppers fly over my house coincidentally 2 times a day during August/September because the area I live in has lots of wooded hillsides.. and I have at least two friends that have witnessed low height (below the "legal limit") hovering and observing of their grow spots.. There are no more rules. All they have to do to go on your property is claim that you might be funding terrorism. One of those spots the copters had a troubled time getting a view at, a "kid" was later spotted taking photos. My friend confiscated his camera and when the kid flipped out, he took the memory card and chucked the camera across the street. There's no more plants there anyway, they got ripped after the flyby, but don't underestimate the depravity of law enforcement, children. :(
Thanks Tendran and Jfa...

I agree Tendran, I don't trust them a bit, warrant or not.

Just transplanted the babies and their peat beds to 9 oz Solo red party cups.

Soil mix is 3 parts miracle grow soil, 1 part perlite and one part worm castings.

Watered them in with 1 tblsp per gallon FF Big Bloom to help establish strong roots.

Now we wait...
you might want to re-read that.

He is saying not to underestimate the depravity of law enforcement and children.... I know what he meant because of his use of quotes for the word kid. this is a design and grow thread dude, keep it on topic please or head off and find someone else to argue with.
He is saying not to underestimate the depravity of law enforcement and children.... I know what he meant because of his use of quotes for the word kid. this is a design and grow thread dude, keep it on topic please or head off and find someone else to argue with.

" There's no more plants there anyway, they got ripped after the flyby, but don't underestimate the depravity of law enforcement, children."

If you can understand punctuation you might be able to read it better. Reads as, " There's no more plants there anyway, they got ripped after the flyby, but don't underestimate the depravity of law enforcement, (pause) children"

If he wanted to make it read as "and" he would have put "and".

You are the one arguing, I'm just merely stating the facts and maybe you'll learn from them.
If you force me, I'll move my fucking thread to a journal and allow no interaction or participation.

I'm not here to debate you on what someone else meant. He was NOT calling us children IMO

Please drop it or just move on to find other people to argue with....
I actually was calling "you all" "children" *but* I really didn't mean anything by it, lol. If my post were a public service announcement, I would have turned to the camera and addressed the naive children of the world as I told them not to underestimate the depravity of those law enforcement officers that are out there to protect and serve only themselves and each other. I could really go on and on.. but I AGREE with SERPIAS that IN HIS THREAD we should STAY ON TOPIC and NOT argue ABOUT stupid shit. OKAY! <-- Notice the okay does NOT have a QUESTION mark. I, for one, am curious as to the results; and even though Serpias sometimes seems to come across a little bit harsh himself, it is true that this is not a topic for law enforcement debate or grammar patrol or any of that. I was merely attempting to jest about the subject at the end of my post, not spark another debate.

Now.. outgrowing their starters already? Very nice.
you dont think that just the back row of LED lights are enough? from the info i have gathered 4 of those LED panels are the same as 1 400w HPS. here is where i found that info @ also do you think the use of reflective material in your box would help spread the light around even more?


Hi Fade. I had a response all typed up, and yes, I messed up replying to you dealing with the ass in my thread that would rather deal with semantics in the English language than he would discuss growing bud. The back row of lights is a total of 112w. It only contains two spectrums and is not enough by themselves to grow good bud. These lights are meant to be used as an additional source of lights for under the canopy. The top lights are the tri-band wide spectrums that will feed most of the photosynthesis.

The back row of lights are 120 degree LEDs, which mean their light is directed out from the bulb for 120 degrees. These bulbs will benefit from reflective material on the side walls and the curtain which has the white side facing in. The lights from above are 60 degree 1w LED bulbs that benefit from the poly on the walls and from the curtain. The only portion not covered in panda poly is above the back row of LED lights. The reason is the canopy won't get much higher than that. I'm doing Sea of Green with 18 pots in 8 square feet. I have not built the screen yet, because I'm thinking through the process. The flowering room is going to have plants from different stages. I'm staggering the grows so I can harvest every 2-3 weeks. Therefore I haven't decided to build a single screen that goes all the way across or use bamboo stakes in the pots to support the cola stems. I'll be topping and training to maximize yield.

The back row of lights was fastened to the wall using double sided industrial velcro tape. Had I covered the back and then used that method, the entire weight would have been supported on the plastic. If buds do grow higher than my intention, I'll add some poly on the back wall. For now, the sides and the front wall which you can't see in the pics does have it.

thanks for asking your question again. It was a good one.
Now.. outgrowing their starters already? Very nice.

I could have waited a couple of days before transplanting, but I wanted to introduce worm castings. The peat pellets have no nutritional value that I'm aware of, and spraying nutes on the stem and leaves this early kinda worries me. By placing them in the solo cups, I can mix worm castings into the soil and water the soil with a watered down mix of big bloom, which promotes healthy roots. I don't recommend leaving them in just peat for extended periods. I was also worried about them falling over at such a fragile age. They have better support now.

When I clone from the mom, I'll be using rockwool cubes to start my cuttings. Those will be the only medium until the plant is ready to go into it's final pot. I hope to be able to take some clones in 3-4 weeks.
i used this type of reflective backing in my grow box. . i have it on every and top and bottom of my grow area.

as my grow goes, im doing auto are my thoughts and i just need some answers before i go for it. with all the reflective backing do you think that i would have enough light to go from start to finish and still have decent yield? with 2 of these, maybe 3 >>>> from what i understand from your previous post that my space is too small for a 600w even with a cool bulb. you mentioned 2 - 400w bulbs, that would give me 800w > 600w wouldnt that be hotter than one 600w? thanks for your help. im just trying to cross "T's" and dot " i's" before i do this.

its really on my mind just to do 1-400w cooled since i have all the reflective tape. im just confused on lighting really. what would be best for me.
i used this type of reflective backing in my grow box. . i have it on every and top and bottom of my grow area.

as my grow goes, im doing auto are my thoughts and i just need some answers before i go for it. with all the reflective backing do you think that i would have enough light to go from start to finish and still have decent yield? with 2 of these, maybe 3 >>>> from what i understand from your previous post that my space is too small for a 600w even with a cool bulb. you mentioned 2 - 400w bulbs, that would give me 800w > 600w wouldnt that be hotter than one 600w? thanks for your help. im just trying to cross "T's" and dot " i's" before i do this.

its really on my mind just to do 1-400w cooled since i have all the reflective tape. im just confused on lighting really. what would be best for me.

The reason you got so many responses suggesting two 400w lights was because of the dimensions of your grow area. If I'm not mistaken, my memory tells me that you had nearly 8' in length? Looking at the panels you are considering, I think you would need an alternative light source to cover some missed spectrums. While these lights will grow plants, I doubt the flowering will be compact because the intensity is lacking. Don't get me wrong, those panels are bright as hell and blinding if you look directly at them, their coverage or footprint is only about 12" x 12" when only inches from the plant as they should be. The seller claims you can place them 80" above the canopy and cover 8' square, but I have my doubts. That is why mine are all side by side with absolutely little spacing.

If you want to go with a high intensity discharge lamp, aim for about 35-50w per square foot. Since I responded to soo many posts in the last two days, please hook me up with your thread and I'll go re read and give what advice I can. I'm no expert on lighting, but i know what the experts say. When it comes to LED, we have to concern ourself with light footprint, directional percentage of LEDs and wavelengths that are hit. It is not as easy as using watts per sq or the number of lumen.

I'll hit your thread up as soon as I hear back from ya.
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