Well-Known Member
Heat is heat, whether it is reflected or not doesn't much matter. It's not simply a IR concern, there is also a jump in power bills and additional heat to deal with, fans, noise, etc.... I have two roommates who have no idea I grow. The power bills stayed the same. With my current exhaust set up and LED lights, the temp still reaches 90 degrees in there if I leave the door closed. imagine if I was running a 1000w lamp?I noticed that the concern is stealth. If you Run the 1000w hps's without bonnets the coppers can't positively identify it as a grow. They use radar heat signature and without the big metal bonnets the signatures are negligable.
This is and will be a LED grow. I'm not here to debate LED vs hid lamps. I am here to simply do an LED grow and see how much I can yield.