New Clones!!


Active Member
ive cloned one plant and it is jsut starting to grow long should the roots grow to until i transfer to pot?...and there is a small tellow spot on 1 leaf about 1mmX1mm and it looks like somthing hase eaten a small portion of a few leaves..any ideas?:confused:


Well-Known Member
At least wait for some substantial new growth before you transplant them.
As for the roots, it depends what you rooted the clones in. More information? Generally, you plant when the roots start to outgrow their container, but you can technically transplant as soon as it has any root growth.

And don't worry about yellow, especially if it's confined to the bottom leaves. It's natural, and might not be a bad thing if the plant is using the energy from the leaves to help grow roots. Remember... new growth up top is what you're looking for.



Well-Known Member
That's the way I've cloned mine in the past, th3. Once I see the "nubs" of what look like emerging roots, or something that can positively identified as a root, I cut the clone into peat. Jiffy pellets (little water-expandable discs of peat) work perfectly for this purpose, and they can be found at virtually any garden store. They expand around the clone, and enclose it in a nutriet rich, contained environment- you'll know when to transplant when you see the roots poke through the outer nylon layer. Although straight peat or soil even works- just keep it moist when you transplant.

Good luck!



Active Member
ill see wut happens...when i cloned i was a couple days into iver got some trichs or w.e comming out so ive got to revert back to veg so i think thats why its taken so long:S...ive got a 13 watt cfl on it with paper over the cup so no light touches the root and the lights on it 24/0


Well-Known Member
Keep the lights away from the clones.

Until they are established they need very little to almost no light.

1 13 w cfl would be ok for prob 4 clones.
Just make sure it is at least 2 ft away until the clones start getting new growth.
Then wait a week.
Then gradually lower the lights.
Maybe 2-3" every other day.

They need good air flow also.


Active Member
well i have a sweet welfare cloning device which consists of:
1 13 watt cfl
1 small garbage pale
1 clone

uhh imagine a small garbage can with a hole cu tin the top of it for the cfl to go through just hanging about 2 inches from the plant and 2 4"x1" holes for ventilation...its hagard...i know...any ideas oon how to fix this just so my clones will grow faster?


Active Member
i would use that but this garbage can is about6-9 inches in diamamtre or radius(whichever is the whole length from 1 side to the other) the ventilation is good thugh because the leafs arnt falling down like they were before when i had no ventilation..i think ill leave it for a couple more days and see what will be the 1 week mark by then and hopefully some signs of roots have formed